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      MolEvict, 32 oz

      Purchase MolEvict, 32 oz

      MolEvict, 32 oz

      Item #: 751M
      Size 32 fl oz

      MolEvict® Lawn Mole Castor Oil, 32 oz.
      Covers up to 5,000 sq ft

      • Specially Processed to Discourage Lawn Mole Activity
      • Simple & Easy to Use
      • Drives Pests Away
      • Eco-friendly
      • BPA Free Bottle
      • Need more? See our 1 Gallon Container and 5 Gallon Pail
      MolEvict: Lawn Mole Castor Oil Evicts Moles and Voles

      There are many, many different types of Castor Oil. There is a type of Castor Oil for soaps, another for sealants, another you may have taken internally, another for pharmaceuticals and for skin care - just to name a few. These types of Castor Oil do not work well. We offer a specially processed Castor Oil that is especially repulsive to lawn moles. Something in our oil's scent, texture and composition makes these unwelcome critters want to vacate your premises as fast as they can, and that's good news for you. Added bonus: Our customers report that our MolEvict Castor Oil is also effective in chasing voles and gophers. They are even trying our MolEvict on armadillos!

      Moles' appetites can be voracious, and they will often eat more than their weight in food every day. When searching for food, moles are very active tunnelers, often moving at a rate of 12-15 feet per hour. Their tunnels push up dirt creating unsightly mounds and ridges that ruin the look of your lawn. Their burrows damage lawns and gardens. While moles seldom feed on plant materials, their smaller destructive friend, the vole does like to dine on grasses, bulbs, tubers and seeds. Voles often take over these tunnels and burrows and can damage bulbs and plant roots.

      A growing number of homeowners are finding MolEvict an effective way to get rid of moles, voles, gophers and more.

      How MolEvict Works

      Our special Baar Castor Oil, MolEvict®, drives pests away.  MolEvict's unique scent, texture and composition make it harder for these unwanted pests to find a home in your yard or garden.

      How Much Should I Use?

      How much to use can vary. Do you have clay soil or sandy soil? Everyone's property is different. The application process can be an art. But here's what we suggest to start. You can vary the amount and number of times applied depending on your soil type. When using a garden hose and sprayer, the Gallon size covers up to 20,000 sq. ft. One Quart covers up to 5,000 sq. ft. Be prepared and buy a sufficient supply for re-application. MolEvict should be applied 2 times per month, then apply as needed for maintenance. New 5 Gallon size available to treat up to 100,000 square feet!

      What are the Ingredients?

      Active Ingredient: Castor Oil, 100%.
      Other Ingredients: None.

      Customers' Experiences:

      ”It's surprisingly effective. I guess moles *REALLY* hate the smell/taste. If you have a large garden to protect, this is much faster, easier, and cheaper than the traps. I have three different kinds of traps, and none of them have ever worked well for me. This stuff keeps the moles out all season.” - Amazon Customer

      "Moles hate this! However, it doesn't kill them so you have to keep applying it till you chase them out of the yard." - Customer

      "Works great, just have to apply several times. Safe for dogs and kids." - Customer

      "Works great against moles. 2 parts castor oil, 1 part dish soap, fill with water in a gallon jug. Spray in holes." - Customer

      ”Works great to get rid of moles. Sprayed and watched them leave an hour later. ” - Customer

      ”Using this and cotton balls to put down moles and vole holes to deter the ruddy buggers.” ” - Customer

      ”Used on area of lawn that had holes from moles. Worked very well. Would recommend. ” - Amazon Customer

      ”Used a hose end sprayer as directed and I believe it is working to get rid of moles.” - Customer

      ”I've used this twice. It says about every three months and so far I haven't gotten any moles. Fantastic!" - Customer

      "Easy to apply with a water hose and a bottle to mix and deliver the product upon the affected areas." - Customer

      "Didn't need to buy a whole gallon. I only needed a cup and mixed it with the clear dish detergent as instructed. I had my doubts but I sprayed the area which showed signs of a mole then patted down the mounds and there hasn't been any other mole hills since. It's been a week so I'm very happy." - Walmart Customer

      "The moles were packing their bags and moving out before I was done spraying! It was quite entertaining. This stuff works. Needs to be reapplied again in a couple weeks or if you see signs of tunneling. Super easy to apply. I used one of those mixers/sprayer you hook to the end of a hose and that worked great because I had a pretty large area. I didn't use a handheld or backpack sprayer. I feel the mixer was faster and easier " - Walmart Customer

      "This actually seems to work. Mixed up in a pump-up sprayer with the detergent, like it says to. Sprayed it in the gravel-bed under my deck and the signs of mice and/or voles went away. Been a few months and even though the initial smell (which isn't bad at all) has diminished, still seems to be working." - Walmart Customer

      ”I’m very satisfied and would use this again if the moles come back someplace else.” - Amazon Customer

      ”Good for keeping voles away from turf.” - Amazon Customer

      ”Apparently castor oil is repellant to groundhogs. I haven’t seen one for a month and that’s a good thing. The little boogers visited me every day with a big appetite before I sprayed it on my dahlias.” - Amazon Customer

      ”Worked just as advertised. Got rid of my moles.” - Amazon Customer

      ”I believe in this product. Last summer was a battle trying to get rid of the moles in my yard. Tried everything from coffee grounds to anything I could do. I finally bought this product with hope. It worked!!! This will be my forever go to!! One spray on the yard and they were gone within 2 weeks.” - Amazon Customer

      ”Over the last several years our lawn has been a ‘subway system’ for moles, ruining the lawn and make it extremely unsightly. With Molevict we have been mole free!!!” - H.S., Chilliwack, BC

      ”Work on getting rid of VOLES.” - Amazon Customer

      ”Good stuff, I mix 50/50 hot water & the castor oil in my hose end sprayer, sprayed the boundary of my yard. No more gofers.” - Amazon Customer

      ”As with any castor-oil-based mole repellent, when mixed 1 to 3 with liquid dish soap and poured into holes poked into ground along the fence, this stuff is reasonably effective for a couple of months per application.” - Amazon Customer

      Actually worked for several years. This is really a great product. - Amazon Customer

      "Love your product, works great on Voles!” - P.P., Loomis, CA

      ”This product really did get rid of the moles in my yard. have not seen any more holes in a while. ” - Amazon Customer

      ”Found through internet search, after I was able to identify the critters who are digging up our yard. We have outdoor cats, regional birds of prey, etc., and I wanted to find something to repel the voles and gophers without harming any of their predators.” - E.W., Boulder Creek, CA

      ”I use this product to keep moles out of my yard. Nothing else has worked. This does.” - Amazon Customer

      ”We poured some of this into a Gopher hole. They seem to have left and haven't been around in over a year.” - Amazon Customer

      ”With the right sprayer this product routs the little pains in the backside to go elsewhere, I highly recommend it!” – Amazon Customer

      “I soaked my lawn where a gopher had come up in three places. He hasn't showed up since. Considering how mild the scent this is, I'm really shocked that it worked.” - Amazon Customer

      ”Castor oil does what it's supposed to: it repels voles in our backyard. Poured it in vole holes and the voles went away.” - Amazon Customer

      ”I have purchased this several times to help with deterring moles. It definitely works. The moles decimate anything I don’t use this on.” - Amazon Customer

      ”Made a recipe to keep all critters away from my garden and it did the trick. Thank you.” - Amazon Customer

      “This worked well for the removal of voles.” - Amazon Customer

      "This is the best mole prevention I've ever used. It's the only thing that works for me and I love it!" - L.D.M., Corinth, MS

      ”Moles stop immediate digging, but as the past year has shown, they do return. At least, the Molevict is a fix for the current time.” - Amazon Customer

      ”Deer hate this stuff! If you care about your flowers and edible trees, buy this product!” - Amazon Customer

      "Prepared a mixture of water, dish soap, and castor oil as soon as the package arrived. Sprayed the front yard where the mole had been digging, poured a cap full on each opening. Two days later no new dirt mounds." - Amazon Customer

      ”This stuff works great! It took a few years of application but has kept the moles away for several years without reapplying but now they are back ruining my new backyard grass so I need more. Thanks again.” - R.F., Atchison, KS

      "MolEvict works great to eliminate voles from our mulched flower beds." - M.B., York, PA

      "We have used MolEvict from you folks before and it works great. We ran out last year, so I am ordering again. Moles don't like it at all!" - D.T., Albany, NY

      “After much research, we decided to buy MolEvict to treat our mole and vole infestation. We're now three days into treatment and are AMAZED at how well this product works. We can literally see trails opening up as the moles/voles move out of our yard. Can't say enough good things about this, as the voles were destroying our grass and bushes - hopefully we caught them in time before they ate our tree roots too! Thanks to Baar for making such an effective and pet friendly product - and thanks to previous reviewers who helped persuade us to try it. The moles and voles aren't too happy about our purchase - but we're delighted! 5.0 out of 5 stars” - C.G., Canton, OH

      "I've used MolEvict and it worked. I haven't had it for a while now and the moles are taking over!" - C.S., Chattaroy, WA

      "Thanks! MolEvict really does seem to deter voles, and has not harmed any of my plants." - S.T., Black Mountains, NC

      "I am repurchasing MolEvict. It is more effective than the bags of mole product offered by garden supply companies." - S.W., Lubbock, TX

      "This is my second order of the MolEvict. Although I am using it for Vole control, I wanted to let you know I followed directions and sprayed twice (with a hose attachment sprayer). After the first time their activity was much reduced, and since the 2nd application, I see no evidence [of the Voles]. I have been chasing the critters for 10 years, using everything under the sun, with no success, but the MolEvict has chased them away. I want a back-up bottle to be ready for spring. Thanks." – A.M., Charlotte, NC

      "I have been fighting moles and voles for years in my garden. The tunnels have allowed voles to eat a lot of young corn plants and seed. I started by spraying the aisles. That was enough for the moles. Now I just do a maintenance spraying before it rains and the moles have been very slow to return. Wish I had tried this years ago. Probably would have reduced the number of gray hairs I have." - S.C., Abbeville, SC

      “After much research, we decided to buy MolEvict to treat our mole and vole infestation. We're now three days into treatment and are AMAZED at how well this product works. We can literally see trails opening up as the moles/voles move out of our yard. Can't say enough good things about this, as the voles were destroying our grass and bushes- hopefully we caught them in time before they ate our tree roots too! Thanks to Baar for making such an effective and pet friendly product - and thanks to previous reviewers who helped persuade us to try it. The moles and voles aren't too happy about our purchase- but we're delighted! 5.0 out of 5 stars” - C.G., Canton, Ohio

      "...It is not the sort of product that can be applied once and expect it to last throughout a summer season. I have had a severe mole, vole, and ground squirrel problem for the past 20+ years and have tried all sorts of solutions, i.e., poison worms and grubs, all sorts of traps, electronic vibrators and poison pellets. Some of the in-ground traps have been moderately successful, but the problem still continued year after year. This year I applied MolEvict on a monthly basis. At first the moles went crazy and torn up my property much more than they normally do, but after a couple of weeks they left the area. Since I have started the monthly treatments they have not returned except for one who I caught with an in-tunnel trap. My property is the best it has been in the past 20 years with the monthly treatments. Do not expect instant results. It takes a little time to train the moles to avoid your property... 5.0 out of 5 stars.” - S.F., Midwest

      "I bought three gallons of your MolEvict last fall but didn't apply it until this past Spring. ...Well, it worked very well! Within a couple days the moles were out of the lawn and keeping my cat busier than ever. There were no negative effects whatsoever. I mixed it in a tank sprayer and applied it using my lawn tractor. The detergent emulsified the oil and it applied very evenly. The results were evident within a couple days. Due to the amount of rain we've had this year I find I must re-apply. That's why I'm ordering the 5 gallon bucket. Thanks! Great stuff!" - M.P., Northfield, NH

      "I followed your instructions about dish washing detergent mixed in with MolEvict. That worked well. But I heard about adding Red Cayenne Pepper to the mix. I did yesterday. About ten minutes after I sprayed, my cat went running to the area I had sprayed and grabbed a mole that had actually came out into the sunlight to get away from the mixture. Within an hour I witnessed a total of three moles surface. It was amazing. I guarantee they will think twice about returning, at least I hope they are smart enough. I used about 2 table spoons of pepper, just enough to turn it Pinkish Orange." - S.B., Hendersonville, NC

      "I used MolEvict for moles a year ago and they are just now trying to come back. It does a great job of keeping them away." - S.S., Boyce, VA

      "I am so glad this stuff [MolEvict®] exists and it does work where nothing else will!! Thanks!" - S.S.

      "...I tested your oil on my yard and after a week out of a dozen mole runs there are zero runs with new activity. I mixed your oil with natural orange cleaner to create an emulsion and filled milk jugs with the mix and water and shot it around the yard and I am really surprised by the rapid and complete success. Have ordered a gallon. Thanks and be well." - D.S., Oakland, OR

      "I can't believe how well this stuff works! Thanks!" - D.J., Tehachapi, CA

      “Great deal on a gallon of mole repellant. 5 out of 5 stars.” - R.T., Carbondale, IL

      Caution: Since product can cause mild irritation, the use of safety glasses is recommended. In case of eye contact, rinse with fresh water for 5 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Keep out of reach of children. Store only in original container, in a dry place inaccessible to pets and children. Do not contaminat food, feed or water by storage or disposal.

      MolEvict® is a Registered Trademark of Baar Products, Inc.