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      Violet Ray, 115V

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      Violet Ray, 115V

      Item #: 504M
      Currently In Stock. Please call to order, or with any questions about this item: (610) 873-5343, 9am-4pm EST, M-F.

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      Violet Ray High Frequency Device
      115V - for use in the USA

      • Limit 1 Per Order
      • Includes One Mushroom Electrode
      • Genuine Tesla Coil Invented by Nikola Tesla
      • Instruction Booklet Included
      • Design Recommended by Edgar Cayce in over 1,000 Readings
      • Professional Strength
      • Powerful Enough to be used with Anidex®, Animated Ash and Carbondex®, Carbon Ash
      • Made in the USA
      • For External Use Only
      • Not to be Used for Longer than 10 Minutes

      Click here to watch Dr. Bruce Baar's Interview about the Violet Ray from the ExPat Show with host Tai Aguirre, and for more information and uses of the Violet Ray!
      The Violet Ray Interview with Dr. Bruce Baar from The ExPat Show.

      Our Violet Ray or high frequency device is basically a low amperage source of static electricity and is detailed in the Violet Ray Book.

      Violet Ray is a Tesla coil, named for Nikola Tesla, the electrical engineer, scientist, inventor, and discoverer, who was granted 1,200 patents and is probably best known for his contribution of alternating current.

      Edgar Cayce refers to the Violet Ray in over 1000 readings given to individuals who sought his advice. Cayce believed the body, mind and soul are so closely interrelated, that it is rarely of value to treat any one of these aspects without also giving some attention to the state of the other two. Can be used with Carbondex®, Carbon Ash and Anidex®, Animated Ash. (See Violet Ray Book).


      - Do NOT use the Voltage Adjustment Knob as an "ON/OFF" switch for the high voltage, as this will prematurely wear out this part. Never leave either model connected to the power line unattended. Remove from the power line when not in use. Use of a power strip with an "ON/OFF" switch is recommended.

      - All units:  #504M (115V) and #555M (230V) require cool down after 8-10 minutes of use.

      - Model #504M Violet Ray is for use with 115V electrical systems only.

      - Model #555M (230V) has a United Kingdom plug on it and is designed for countries that use 230V electrical systems. The 230 Volt model is NOT for use in the USA.

      - These units come with one Mushroom Electrode (see below), when the unit is purchased. All electrodes are for external use only.

      - The Violet Ray has an output voltage of between 20,000 to 45,000 volts, an output frequency of approximately 500 kHz.  Approx. 40 watts. The output voltage of the Violet Ray is adjustable by means of a knob on the end of the unit.

      Suggested Use: This unit is intended for intermittent use, no more than 10 minutes at a time. Never leave the Violet Ray unit plugged into an electrical outlet unattended. Remove from the electrical outlet when not in use. Use of a power strip with ON/OFF Switch is recommended. All units are tested prior to shipment. Warranty is not offered on this unit. This product is not accepted for refund or return once shipped.

      The Violet Ray Book #543 is a must read.

      Click Here to Listen to Dr. Bruce Baar's Interview about the Violet Ray

      Warning: Alcohol is to be avoided when using this product. Edgar Cayce stated, "Do not use [Alcohol] in the system during the treatments…with the violet ray—for these are detrimental, and would burn tissue, with this in system." Even inhaling the brandy fumes from a charred oak keg might cause irritations to the body if used in conjunction with the Violet Ray. Always unplug the unit and remove the glass electrode when not in use.

      Customers' Experiences:

      “My Violet Ray arrived today and I almost began weeping with joy. I have “end-stage arthritis” (diagnosed decades ago by a doctor who insisted I have an artificial joint replacement). Now, my ankle tingles with relief and hope after the first application. Pain is lifting. The radiant light of healing beckons. Thank you, bless you, Edgar Cayce, Nikola Tesla, and Dr. Bruce Baar!” - J.W., Berkeley, CA

      “I have had phenomenal results with the Violet Ray. I had restricted movement in my neck and a torn rotator cuff in my shoulder which restricted movement. I now have virtually full movement in both. My physical therapist was amazed and said that that just “can’t happen”. The books I have read all seem to agree that the Ray works quickly and very well on arthritis. My results certainly agree with that.” – J.H., Tyler, TX

      “The Violent Ray fixed my Quervain’s Tendonitis! I struggled with the pain for months before I sought medical treatment and was given the diagnosis in 2019. Typical treatment was a steroid injection. It's effects at managing the pain lasted for about 6 months. Then it came back worse than it was. Not to mention I developed Sub Q fat atrophy from the steroid injection that took almost a year for my wrist to appear normal. After that I just lived with the pain and annoyance. Chiropractic helped but only for 1-3 days after any adjustment made to my wrist. I used the Violet Ray everyday on my wrist and thumb for 10 days in a row in August 2021. It has not given me any trouble since I did that way back in September 2021. I would definitely recommend the Violet ray for Tendonitis to anyone who doesn't want surgery. I even had to previously wear a brace at night and now I don't. - J.P., Vero Beach, FL

      "A thank you for the help with the [Baar] Violet Ray. I am grateful for the demonstration which made it very comfortable for me to use it here at home... My chiropractor used the [Baar] Violet Ray on my spine last week for 10 min. As the result, I had almost no back pain for 2 days. I will be getting a Violet Ray treatment from him once a week for four weeks and then decide where to go from there… Meanwhile, I treat my own hands and feet for pain, stiffness, and also some numbness in the right foot because of years of ill-fitting shoes and pressure on a tailor's bunion." - J.R., Lancaster, PA

      "I am 78 and have joined other seniors in having trouble with bruises on my hands and forearms... resulting from very slight knocks. The doctors seem to feel nothing can be done about it. They say I should have used more sun lotion in the past. The Violet Ray will break up these bruises and they will start diminishing in a day or two. It used to take a week to 10 days for them to diminish. I assume the Violet Ray stimulates the circulation and that is what begins reducing the bruise." - D.C., Dallas, TX

      I had hit my knee against something right in an area where there had been surgery a few years earlier. It was very painful and bruised quickly, and made walking painful. I was worried I had hurt something inside. The Violet Ray was recommended to help with the bruising, and even though I knew there were plates and screws within (titanium maybe?), I used the VR for just a few minutes. Within 12 hours the knee felt great again and I was able to go back to exercising without pain. The bruising disappeared as well." - L.N., Coatesville, PA

      "... I tried using the violet ray to treat my sister for varicose veins in her leg. They were severe and discolored. After daily treatments for three weeks the veins were shrinking. We were all thrilled." - N.Q., Brick, NJ

      "Within seconds it relaxes my entire system... For this benefit alone, the Baar Violet Ray has more than paid for itself. It has provided the 'spark' I have been missing in my system. It lifted my spirits and actually makes me happy. I can't wait to use it each day... I believe that it provides the missing link to complete healing." - A.F., Santa Fe, NM

      *Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.