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      Time to get that Deep, Restful Sleep you Deserve with Dozy-Doze

      Dozy-Doze, Restful Sleep Support Supplement Bottle

      Lack of sleep is a common issue for many people in today’s fast-paced, high stress world. There are a few different factors which contribute to the constant tossing and turning every night. Sleeplessness can be attributed to stress, anxiety, eating too close to bedtime, exercising too late, and much more. While many may opt to take prescription medications with a long list of side effects, there are various natural ways to fall asleep and stay asleep.

      Dozy-Doze™ is a relaxing combination of Valerian Root Extract, Hops Extract, Passion Flower and GABA. This combination of ingredients is formulated to help quiet your mind and relax your body so you can drift naturally into a restful sleep. This non-habit forming supplement will help you stay asleep and wake up refreshed with renewed energy that lasts throughout the day.

      Valerian Root Extract

      Valerian Root is a calming herb which helps to relieve stress and anxiety, often acting as a mild sedative to aid falling asleep. This herb has been historically used since the 1800’s as a natural sleep aid and relaxant. Valerian not only helps you fall asleep faster, it may help you stay asleep longer, so you wake up feeling refreshed.

      Hops Extract

      The dried, flowering part of the Hops plant is often used in making medicine. Hops Extract is used to ease restlessness, tension, anxiety, inability to sleep and other types of nervous disorders. Research shows that Hops Extract and Valerian Root Extract are a powerful combination which may decrease the time it takes to fall asleep, supporting a rejuvenating sleep.

      Passion Flower

      Passion Flower Extract has been considered a non-habit forming sedative. It is nature’s sleeping pill and produces no narcotic hangover. It is also considered to be an antispasmodic, as it eases muscle tension, anxiety and nervousness. Passion Flower may decrease the amount of times that one awakens during the night, leading to a more refreshed feeling upon waking.


      GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) is a chemical that is made naturally in the brain and is known as the brain’s own calming agent. Unbalanced levels of GABA can result in higher levels of anxiety, nervousness and excitation. Supplementing with GABA helps to balance the level of brain stimulation which promotes relaxation and eases nervous tension.

      It’s time to finally get that deep, restful sleep you deserve. Relax your body and calm your mind with the powerful combination of natural sleep-inducing ingredients in Dozy-Doze. Rise and Shine.
      © Baar Products, Inc., 2015

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      IODEX: An Old-Fashion First Aid Remedy

      Iodex, Topical Antiseptic Ointment, Regular 1 oz. Box

      From skinned knees to stubborn splinters, Iodex® has been a trusted part of the family home medicine chest since 1910. This old-fashion, time-tested ointment is the perfect first aid go-to remedy for cuts, boils, abrasions and more.

      Historically known as a “black salve”, Iodex contains iodine which has both antiseptic and antibacterial properties essential for wound healing.  Even the smallest cut can cause a “big ouch” when touched with iodine. Iodex eliminates the “ouch” and promotes healing painlessly through the slow release of iodine.

      For over 100 years, families, including my own, have reported significant improvement when applying Iodex to cuts, scrapes, insect bites, rashes, carbuncles, sores and minor burns. Keep a jar handy in your home medicine cabinet, with your camping gear, in your car or at work. The sooner Iodex is applied to the affected area, the better the chances of reducing infection.

      What is IODEX®?

      Iodex ointment contains 4.7% Iodine which is a commonly used topical antiseptic. An antiseptic has the ability to reduce the possibility of infection. Iodex aids in fighting and inhibiting the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microbes on the skin which can significantly improve the healing time of a cut, scrape, sore or splinter. When an infection is present in a wound, the area is often sore and painful. Applying Iodex to a wound combats the germs and relieves the pain and soreness surrounding it.

      Iodine combines with a hydrating base to lock in moisture and allow the affected areas on the skin to remain soft and supple, promoting faster healing time. Unlike many other medicated ointments, Iodex will not burn or sting when applied.

      Give your skin the protection it needs to restore itself to a healthy state.

      What can IODEX® be used for?

      Customers report that Iodex has been successfully used for:

      • Minor Cuts and Scrapes
      • Pimples, Lesions & Blisters
      • Rashes & Minor Burns
      • Splinters
      • …and more!

      We love hearing and reading about the many ways families have benefited from using Iodex ointment. Please feel free to share your personal stories and healing experiences.
      © Baar Products, Inc., 2016

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      Lithia Water, Naturally Uplifting Mineral Tonic

      Is the highly esteemed New York Times catching up on what Mother Nature has to offer? Possibly, or perhaps science and research are, once again, catching up to what the Edgar Cayce readings have already revealed. An “Opinion” article from the NY Times (“Should we all take a bit of Lithium?”, Sunday Review – 9/13/14[i]) on the effects of Lithium caused a ripple effect in the health community and with those that are interested in natural alternatives for health.

      What is Lithia Water?

      Baar Lithia Water, 4 fluid ounces

      Lithia water is defined as a mineral water characterized by the presence of lithium salts, as lithium carbonate or lithium chloride.[ii] Lithia has a unique mineral composition created by the earth. It contains a vital micronutrient that is necessary to maintain mental and physical health, as well as ionic minerals and trace essential elements important for overall health. “Lithium is a naturally occurring element, not a molecule like most medications, and it is present in the United States, depending on the geographic area, at concentrations that can range widely, from undetectable to around .170 milligrams per liter… Evidence is slowly accumulating that relatively tiny doses of lithium can have beneficial effects… few seem to be aware of its potential.”[i]

      What does Lithia Water Do?

      Countless testimonials on the benefits of Lithia water can be found throughout the internet or within historical reference, yet no independent scientific research had been conducted on Lithia Water until the 1980’s.

      “Today lithium is little discussed despite the huge public appetite for health information. Nor is it much advertised or even available. … Online, however, there are lithium products.”[i]

      Why is Lithia Water Important?

      “Some scientists have, in fact, proposed that lithium be recognized as an essential trace element nutrient. Who knows what the impact on our society would be if micro-dose lithium were again part of our standard nutritional fare?” [i]

      The health benefits of Lithia Water have been supported by numerous testimonials, and recent studies have found it to improve mood and cognitive function. It is also considered helpful for kidney and digestive support. “Research on a simple element like lithium that has been around as a medication for over half a century and as a drink for millenniums may not seem like a high priority, but it should be.” [i]

      Join in the discussion, let us know what you think in the comments below.


      [i] Anna Fels, “Should We All Take a Bit of Lithium?” New York Times, September 13, 2014, accessed September 14, 2014, A version of this op-ed appears in print on September 14, 2014, on page SR6 of the New York edition with the headline: Should We All Take a Bit of Lithium?
      [ii] Merriam-Webster Dictionary ” water

      © Baar Products, Inc., 2014

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      What is Glucosamine?

      Vegetarian Glucosamine with MSM, 120 VCaps

      Glucosamine is a naturally occurring biological compound found in the body. It is vital for building cartilage, the rubbery, spongy tissue that enables joints to flex and move smoothly and easily. It is the joint “shock-absorber”.  Because natural Glucosamine levels drop with age, the cartilage surrounding the joints can begin to deteriorate causing joint pain and stiffness.

      Supplementing with Glucosamine may help restore joint comfort thereby enhancing flexibility and mobility. Glucosamine is an essential building block to some of the main components of cartilage. These components act to trap and bind water into tissues that keep your cartilage hydrated and healthy.

      Typically, Glucosamine is derived from shellfish. Our vegetarian formula supplies GreenGrown® Glucosamine HCl, which is derived from a Non-GMO corn source, which makes this supplement safe for those with allergies to shellfish or those who are maintaining a vegetarian or vegan diet.

      Why add MSM to Glucosamine?

      MSM, known as Methylsulfonymethane, is a naturally occurring sulfur compound found in almost every cell of the body. It is an important building block for collagen formation and for anti-oxidant production. It has been researched for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving benefits for muscles and tendons.

      MSM may be consumed as a supplement or through food products such as fruits, vegetables, poultry, fish, eggs, meats and milks. This nutraceutical has been found to ease joint stiffness, swelling and pain, especially when combined with Glucosamine.

      Add another tool to your arsenal for joint relief.  The synergistic properties of this formula may work more effectively to get you moving faster. Give your joints the nutrients they need and enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle!

      © Baar Products, Inc., 2014

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      De-Tense Balances the System with a Blend of Botanical Ingredients

      De-Tense Herbal Tonic 8 fluid ounces bottle

      De-Tense™ herbal tonic is formulated with a select blend of botanicals chosen for their cleansing and clarifying properties. Historically, these herbs have been used to purify, detoxify and stimulate the body’s eliminations and digestive functions. This restorative tonic targets the body’s eliminations through the kidneys and digestive tract creating a balancing effect to the circulatory system.*

      “To give full balance to the system and make the body efficient in its physical force, we would take this into the system:” (Edgar Cayce)

      Sarsaparilla Root: Sarsaparilla was used as a blood purifier, to balance the glandular system and improve digestion.*

      Wild Cherry Bark: Highly regarded as an aid to digestion. Supports cleansing and building of blood.*

      Burdock Root:  Acts as a digestive stimulant for stomach, intestines, pancreas and liver.*

      Mandrake Root: Small amounts have been used as a laxative and a stimulant to the liver.*

      Buchu Leaves: Stimulant and cleanser for urinary system and pelvic organs*

      Balsam of Tolu:  Was described as a blood clarifier and systemic cleanser. It is thought to work mainly with the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract.*

      This combination of Sarsaparilla root, Wild Cherry bark, Burdock root, Buchu leaves, Mandrake root, Tolu Balsam and Grain Alcohol works to support healthy eliminations and system detoxification. Just a teaspoonful of De-Tense herbal tonic after each meal and just before retiring works to restore balance to the entire body.

       *Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
      © Baar Products, Inc., 2014

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