Top 5 Heart-Healthy Supplements for World Heart Day
Coronary heart disease is a significant health problem that causes 500,000 deaths per year in the United States. Sometimes it is difficult to get the heart-healthy vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants we need from diet alone. Because of this, more and more people are being prescribed medications for cholesterol and blood pressure that come with a long list of side effects. As we avoid certain high-antioxidant foods, such as fish (due to potentially high mercury levels), it may become necessary to incorporate a supplement into your regimen. Remember to always talk to your physician before beginning or adding any vitamins or supplements to your daily routine. Here are our top 5 choices for heart-healthy supplements:
Omega 3:
Nature’s Blessing Omega-3 contains fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahaxaenoic Acid (DHA). Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid (EFA), also known as a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). It is derived from both animal and plant sources, although Omega-3 from fish oil is the most common supplement form. Fatty acids form the main useful fraction of fats and oils and are necessary for overall health. Because your body cannot manufacture essential fatty acids, you must get them from food or supplemental sources. The FDA’s Website states: “Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.”
Tissues that need the largest amount of CoEnzyme Q10 are those that require the most energy, such as the heart. In more than one clinical setting, below-normal levels of CoEnzyme Q10 have been noted in cardiac patients. University studies have shown that some overweight people also have a tendency for low levels of CoQ10. As individuals require more energy, more CoEnzyme Q10 is needed. Baar’s Nature’s Blessing CoQ10 supplement is also combined with heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids for added protection.
Cod Liver Oil:
Baar’s Cod Liver Oil Softgels contain twice the Vitamin A and natural cholecalciferol D3 than regular strength Cod Liver Oil softgels. The combination of Vitamin A and D3 may help to reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce joint and arthritis pain and/or aid in slowing the destruction of joint cartilage. It also contains Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), which have been shown to support overall health. Our Cod Liver Oil is screened for impurities and is free of additives and preservatives.
Blood Pressure Advantage:
Nature’s Blessing™ Blood Pressure Advantage contains powerful antioxidant polyphenols from Grape Seed Extract (GSE). Grape Seed Extract helps protect our blood vessels from damage which allows the body to maintain blood pressure levels that are already within the healthy range. Polyphenols are naturally occurring in fruits, vegetables and red wine and are known for supporting cardiovascular health. Grape Seed Extract is one of the largest sources of polyphenols. Blood Pressure Advantage also contains a heart-healthy flavonoid Hawthorn Extract, which works as a synergist. This means that the Hawthorn Extract may enhance the antioxidant effects of MegaNatural®-BP™ (the GSE in Blood Pressure Advantage).
Nattokinase is an enzyme isolated from Natto, a traditional Japanese fermented soy food. Natto has been consumed for thousands of years for its numerous health promoting properties. More recently, both clinical and non-clinical studies have demonstrated that Nattokinase can help to promote heart and circulatory health by supporting normal blood clotting functions. NOW Nattokinase is derived from non-GMO soy and has 2,000 FUs (Fibrinolytic Units) per 100 mg serving.
Along with a healthy diet and supplementation, it is important to stay fit and active. Start your heart-healthy program today.
© Baar Products, Inc., 2016
Set Your Sight on Better Vision: 8 Tips for Eye Health
Healthy vision is a gift most of us take for granted. The only time we even think about eye health is when our own vision begins to fail. Protecting your vision now can help you to avoid problems in the future. Every day people shield their skin from sun damage, supplement their diet with vitamins and moisturize their skin to reduce signs of aging but often neglect their eyes. Taking care of your eyes takes little effort and can make a world of difference later in life.
Foods for the Eyes:
The British Royal Air Force pilots consumed Bilberry because it enhanced their nighttime vision. They also found their eyes could adjust to darkness quicker and their vision was able to correct after the effects of prolonged glare.
Lutein has been linked to promoting healthy eyes. Discussion continues about its relationship in reducing the risk of macular degeneration. Foods high in lutein are dark green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale. My suggestion is to eat a fresh salad every day that includes these dark green leafy vegetables along with other vegetables you enjoy.
Vitamins A, E, C, Zinc and also Selenium may help prevent many diseases including those that affect the eyes. A Multi-vitamin, such as Special Two, containing all of these vitamins may be most convenient. *
Optikade™ VibraTonic™ #3810 is a liquid blend of botanicals selected for their stimulating and cleansing effects on the digestion and circulation of the body. Improving the circulation of the body may benefit the eyes.*
Head and Neck Exercises:
This is a very simple set of exercises and should be done without any strain. While sitting erect or standing and looking forward, tilt your chin to your chest 3 times, then, tilt your head back carefully and slowly 3 times, then to the right 3 times and then to the left 3 times. Next, slowly circle or roll your head counter clockwise 3 times then clockwise 3 times. Do this slowly and carefully without straining your muscles. If you have any difficulty in doing this be sure to see a health care practitioner. This exercise is designed to stimulate the nerve activity to the eyes, increase blood circulation, and strengthen the muscles in your neck. Some people report it helps tighten up the chin and neck muscles.
Give Your Eyes a Rest:
It’s easy to lose track of the time you are spending staring at your computer screen, mobile phone, TV screen or reading. Give your eyes a break. One way is to shift your focus away from the screen or book and look at something far away. A common rule of thumb is the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, choose an object that is about 20 feet in the distance and stare at it for about 20 seconds. Do this throughout the day. For short term eye improvement, try blinking a few times to help you focus your eyes.
Wear Safety Glasses:
Wear safety glasses when appropriate. Also, know that your regular glasses provide protection based on the material they are made from. Polycarbonate lenses resist shattering better than glass or other plastics. Here’s the results from testing: High index plastic shattered when hit by a tennis ball moving at 40 miles per hour, glass shattered at 89 miles per hour, but polycarbonate lenses withstood speeds of 130 mph.
Wear Sunglasses:
This will help protect your eyes from Ultra Violet Rays of the sun, especially during mid-day or if you spend most of your time outdoors.
Take Proper Care of Contact Lenses:
Be sure they are cleaned properly and changed the lens and case often. Follow the manufacturer’s directions. Cutting corners here can cause eye damage.
Know your Family’s Eye Health History:
Do certain eye diseases run in your family? The earlier an eye disease is detected, the better your chances of keeping your eyesight healthy. Sharing your family medical history with your eye doctor can help identify potential risks and may prompt more frequent exams to catch any changes early.
See your Optician:
How often you should have an eye exam will be determined by several factors such as age, medical history, hereditary factors and whether you currently wear corrective lenses. Have regular eye checkups every 2 years and more frequently if over 60. Your Optician can alert you to early signs of underlying disease states such as cataracts, glaucoma or macular degeneration.
It is often said the eyes are the doorway to your soul. Let’s keep the door open.
See all our Eye Care products here:
*Always check with a health care practitioner before adding any dietary supplements to your regimen.
Bruce Baar, MS, ND | © Baar Products, Inc., 2015
Dr. Baar’s 10 Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
Trouble falling asleep? Here are some lifestyle hints to help you get the shut-eye you need.
1. Maintain a regular sleep and wake schedule.
Getting to sleep at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every day helps provide the body and mind with a balanced routine. Once a routine is established, you will notice that you start to feel drowsy towards the end of the night and can fall asleep easier without tossing and turning. You may also discover that your body arises on its own around the same time in the mornings without the use of an alarm clock.
2. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine.
Find something that works for you. Some options could be to read a book, listen to soothing music, or take a bath.
3. Design your sleep environment to be cool, dark, quiet and comfortable.
A bedroom that is too hot or too cold can affect the quality of sleep. For most people, the optimal temperature to sleep is between 65°F and 72°F. Also, our natural melatonin production increases when in a dark environment. Melatonin is the body’s hormone that makes you drowsy and helps you drift off into sleep naturally.
4. Turn off Wireless Router and remove cell phones from your sleep environment.
Cell phones and Wi-Fi are constantly sending electromagnetic signals and some people may be sensitive to it. While research is ongoing, some studies suggest that sleeping near a phone or around Wi-Fi can interfere with the brainwave patterns and sleep.
5. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillow.
You should have enough room to stretch out and move around comfortably. Uncomfortable mattresses may lead to back or neck aches, which can disrupt your sleep in the middle of the night. You want to make sure that your pillow does not prop your head up too high or tilt it back too far. Also, if you tend to sleep on your side, it may be necessary to sleep with a pillow between your legs to help your hips stay aligned.
6. Finish eating 2-3 hours before bedtime.
Sitting upright or moving around helps our body digest meals. While you are lying down, the body works harder trying to digest the stomach’s contents which may cause restlessness.
7. Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise can uplift the mood and reduce anxiety. Over time, this promotes a calmer, more restorative night’s sleep. Exercise raises your core body temperature and your heartrate. It is best to finish a workout at least 3 hours before bed so your body can cool down and start to relax.
8. Avoid caffeine close to bedtime.
Caffeine is a stimulant which makes the mind more alert and signals the body to get up and going. Caffeine blocks sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain and promotes adrenaline and cortisol production. A typical 8 oz. cup of coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine. Depending on how much is ingested, caffeine can stay in the system for 8-14 hours.
9. Keep a sleep diary.
Monitor foods you ate that day, any exercise you performed, any stressful events and finally how many hours you slept. This may help identify what may be affecting your sleep.
10. Add a natural supplement.
In times when sleep deprivation is taking a toll on your health, some supplements may offer the help needed to get a restful night’s sleep and get your body back on track for a normal sleep schedule.
Dozy-Doze is a blend of herbal extracts formulated to help calm the mind and relax the body so you can drift-off naturally into a restful slumber. Dozy-Doze combines extracts of Valerian, Passionflower and Hops that have been traditionally used to promote a calm relaxed mind and support rejuvenating bedtime rest. GABA is a neurotransmitter normally produced in the brain and is known to ease nervous tension. Dozy-Doze combines select herbs to relax the nervous system to help you enjoy a tranquil night and wake up refreshed and energized in the morning.
Bruce Baar, MS, ND | © Baar Products, Inc., 2015
Dr. Baar’s Top 5 First Aid Ointments
When it comes to minor skin irritations it is important to first wash the area thoroughly to prevent any possible infection, then apply a topical first aid ointment as a barrier to keep the area protected from bacteria. Some ointments work by soothing irritated skin while others work to actually pull out a foreign object that may be beneath the surface of the skin, such as splinters. Here are my top 5 picks for topical first aid ointments:
1. Baar Balm 
Baar Balm is specially formulated with all natural ingredients that work together to soothe and protect the skin’s surface. It works great on minor cuts and abrasions, hives, dry, chapped skin, insect bites, minor burns and other skin irritations. Baar Balm is made with the healing power of Castor Oil with the addition of soothing Menthol, Eucalyptol, Pine Needle oil, Camphor, Clove oil and Methyl Salicylate in a natural base of Mutton Tallow and Beeswax.
2. Iodex® 
Iodex with 4.7% iodine, has been available since 1910 and has been a trusted part of the family home medicine chest since then. Iodex promotes healing painlessly through the slow release of iodine and does not cause any stinging or burning when applied. As long as this salve remains in contact with body tissues in minor cuts, wounds and abrasions, the iodine gradually separates from the molecule of the carrier and inhibits the growth and action of bacteria.
3. Atomidex® 
Atomidex® contains 2% Iodine, which acts as an antiseptic when applied to minor cuts, wounds and abrasions. Iodine has long been in use as an antibacterial agent and a skin disinfectant. Discovered in 1811, Iodine gained widespread popularity during the American Civil War, where it was used liberally to treat the wounds of soldiers.
4. Ichthammol
Ichthammol Ointment is an advanced drawing and anti-itch salve for external use. Recommended for application to plant irritations such as nettles or poison ivy, treating insect bites and stings from mosquitoes, spider and bees, and drawing splinters and slivers. Provides soothing relief for ingrown toenails and minor skin irritations. Edgar Cayce recommended this first aid ointment for skin tenderness or breaking of tissue, abrasions and as the “best application for bed sores.”
5. Cuticura Ointment
Cuticura Ointment is the original formula enriched with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E. This world renowned ointment (since 1865) is helpful for temporary soothing relief of pain and itching associated with minor burns, sunburn, minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites and minor skin irritations.
Applying a first aid ointment as the initial line of defense may help to promote faster healing of a wound. While there are many first aid ointments and creams available today, it is important to choose one which covers all the bases and suits your needs. Have you tried and had great success with any of the above first aid ointments? Please share your healing experiences with us!
Bruce Baar, MS, ND | © Baar Products, Inc., 2017
10 Tips from Dr. Baar for Improving Regularity
If you are reading this article, you have probably experienced problems with regularity or constipation at some point in your life. Everyone’s body is different so if you have occasional irregularity and/or constipation, or are looking to improve your regularity, try following these 10 Natural Tips to get your body back on track.
1.Drink Enough Water During the Day: Much of the literature on the subject for improving regularity advises drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day. Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. Keep it replenished; your body is approximately 65% water.
2. Increase the Fiber Content of Your Meals: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are high in fiber. Selecting fruits or a high fiber cereal for breakfast is great. Adding the roughage of a fresh salad for lunch also helps. Minimize junk food and refined starches.
3. Chew Your Food Completely: Your saliva has digestive enzymes and this will help you digest your food better and improve the regularity of your digestive system.
4. Take tiny sips of Olive Oil during the day: This is a very simple approach and Olive Oil produces a gentle effect to the body’s eliminations.
5. Castor Oil Packs over the abdomen: Apply a Castor Oil Pack and heating pad over the abdomen for about 1 hour. Even this external application of Castor oil works to stimulate the action of the colon and enhance the body’s lymphatic functions.
6. After Dinner Take A Walk: Exercise, especially walking, is great for stimulating the regularity of the digestive track and the lymphatic system.
7. Minimize Stress by a method that works best for you: Walking, meditation, deep breathing, reading and adequate sleep.
8. Know your prescription medication side effects: Many prescription medications list ‘May cause constipation’ as the number one side effect. If this is the case, check with your doctor as it may be necessary to take a digestive aid supplement to improve your regularity.
9. Supplement with Super Digestive Enzymes: Digestive enzymes can improve overall digestion and alleviate constipation. These targeted enzymes help breakdown food into small, absorbable molecules. Even with the healthiest diet, adequate fiber intake and sufficient water, the body can still require digestive help. Adding our digestive supplement, Super Digestive Enzymes, with a meal optimizes the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins which in turn helps the body absorb the nutrients it needs to be vital and healthy.
10. Take a gentle laxative. For short-term use, a laxative may be required. Sulflax™, Castor Oil softgels, and Fletcher’s Castoria offer relief from the discomfort of constipation and improve your body’s regularity. Choose the one that is effective for you.
© Baar Products, Inc., 2015