Castor Oil Wraps: Castor Oil Pack Application Just Got Easier
With a multitude of applications, these wraps may be used as the Castor Oil pack itself or used by placing over an existing wool flannel pack to provide a secure, comfortable fit. Less mess, washable and reusable – we’ve added a dimension of simplicity to this holistic therapy.
The Healing Power of Castor Oil
Our Palma Christi and organic Palma Christos® Castor Oils are a must have for holistic health. The therapeutic benefits of this ancient oil are enhanced through the use of the Castor Oil Pack to better concentrate the oil’s penetration and unleash its natural healing properties. Topically applied, these packs offer many benefits including:
- Immune Support: With consistent use, it can contribute to boosting the immune system.
- Promote Calmness: The gentle application of a castor oil wrap can help in reducing stress and promote relaxation
- Support Healthy Lymphatic Drainage: The wraps can support detoxification by encouraging lymph flow.
- Relieve Swelling: It offers anti-inflammatory properties, which may reduce swelling.
- Help with Minor Stomach Distress: A castor oil wrap can soothe the stomach and alleviate discomfort.
- Help with Minor Irregularity: Improving the function of the digestive system to reduce irregularity.
How To Use Baar Products’ Castor Oil Wraps
Baar Products offers four different Castor Oil Wraps: the Hook and Loop Wrap, the Buckle Wrap, the Breast Pad, and the Small Castor Oil Pack Wrap. Each are made with ultra soft cotton and a nylon exterior.
Below are the instructions on how to use each one.
Hook and Loop Wrap

- Open the Hook and Loop Wrap and evenly apply Castor Oil to the middle of the white side.
- Place the Wrap with Castor Oil on the desired area.
- Fasten the Wrap using the Hook and Loop straps.
- Place the Heating Pad on the outside of the Wrap
These wraps are adjustable using stretch straps with hook and look closure. The wraps can be cleaned in the washing machine and air-dried, making them reusable and a great addition to your wellness routine.

Similar to the Hook and Loop wrap, this Buckle-Fastener Wrap is designed to be used over your abdomen. It’s made with soft, comfortable material and is adjustable for a personal fit.
- Open the Buckle Wrap and evenly apply Castor Oil to the middle of the white side.
- Place the Wrap with Castor Oil on the desired area.
- Fasten the Wrap using the Buckle straps.
- Place the Heating Pad on the outside of the Wrap.

Breast Pads for Castor Oil
These Castor Oil Breast Pads aren’t necessarily wraps, but they offer benefits similar to those of other wraps. They just specifically target the breast area.
- Apply the Castor Oil: Saturate the Castor Oil Breast Pad with the oil.
- Secure the Pad: Place the pad beneath your bra to keep it in place.
- Regular Replacement: Change the pads as needed to maintain consistent benefits.
Small Castor Oil Pack Wrap

Need some help with stiff joints and aching muscles or a small area such as the neck? Our Small Castor Oil Wraps offer the perfect size for a targeted area of application.
- Open the Wrap and evenly apply Castor Oil to the middle of the white cotton side.
- Place the Wrap with Castor Oil on the desired area.
- Fasten the Wrap using the Hook and Loop straps. Do Not Over-Tighten.
The wisdom of nature holds true when it comes to our health. With Baar Products’ Castor Oil Wraps, you’re taking a step towards restoring balance and harmonizing with your body’s intrinsic healing processes. Start your journey of renewal today. Visit Baar Products’ website to learn more and to incorporate this time-tested therapy into your health regimen.
© Baar Products, Inc., 2024
How We Cured Ourselves of Lyme Disease using the RADIAC® System
This is a personal testimonial shared by a couple who used the Radiac to help fight against Lyme disease. Posted with permission. Written by the author K.W., Peterborough, NH.

In 1989, my husband, P., and I moved to beautiful New Hampshire. Our house sat on a hill overlooking a pond. It was an idyllic setting for any lover of nature, and we had plenty of dogs and cats to share it with. While I spent lots of time painting in my art studio, P. loved being outdoors with so much to do–gardening, clearing land, splitting and stacking wood. We were blissfully unaware of Lyme disease or that it is carried by ticks.
In 2008, P. began having occasional night sweats. Sometimes he would wake up in the middle of the night with his clothing soaking wet. Around this time he began sleep walking. He would wander around looking like he was awake, but in fact, he was still asleep. It was difficult for him to “wake up” quickly without confusion. It took him at least 10 minutes to exit his dreamworld. These episodes were startling, but thankfully infrequent (perhaps once a month). He seemed perfectly normal for the rest of the day, so we chalked it up to being just an “odd quirk.”
In May 2009, P. was driving us in our car. Always a careful driver, he suddenly pulled out of our long driveway onto the road, failing to look both ways, and we were almost hit by a truck. Moments later he began driving on the wrong side of the road. Luckily, I was able to get him to pull over, took the keys and drove us home. I was badly shaken and hid the car keys, as he seemed completely unaware that he had done anything wrong or dangerous.
In the days following that terrifying incident, his behavior went downhill very quickly. He began to forget things. He experienced a sudden and radical personality change–from being a real sweetheart and an intelligent guy–to a grumpy and belligerent man who couldn’t give a straight answer to any question.
He began to develop some obsessive-compulsive behaviors and often slipped into a rage when things weren’t working for him. P.’s night sweats became more frequent and more severe. It was difficult for him to make the transition from sleep to waking up. He’d get lost in a fantasy world where he was someplace else, and thus he behaved inappropriately. Finally, when he was awake, he did and said things that were not normal for him to say or do. He frightened me. I had friends ask what was wrong with P..

Within two weeks of the “car incident,” I made a doctor’s appointment to have him checked out (but I fibbed and let him think the appointment was for me). Uncharacteristically, he warned me that he would not allow me to say anything about his behavior and loudly claimed that he was OK. But he wasn’t. At the doctor’s appointment, P. left the office for a minute and I speed-talked and told the doctor what was going on.
Luckily, our doctor knew about Lyme disease and did an IGeneX Western blot test on him. Then P.’s symptoms continued to get worse. It was a very difficult, frightening and confusing time. Approximately one month later, the doctor told us the test results showed that P. had Lyme disease plus the co-infection of Babesia (the source of the night sweats). The doctor said it was most likely from a tick or multiple tick bites. He prescribed azithromycin 250 mg once a day plus atovaquone 750 mg/5 ml Oral Suspension twice a day. P. went on those drugs, and he improved almost immediately. Oddly, he could not remember the car incident nor any of the strange behaviors that had followed it.
After four weeks, P. was back to his old self! I even felt comfortable enough to “find” his car keys as he returned to his old self. He stayed on those medications until mid-June 2021, when he accidentally went off of them. (More on that sad incident later.)
P. continued antibiotic drugs for the next 13 years, felt fine, and we went on with our lives. He was tested from time to time with the IGeneX Western blot test for Lyme disease and the results showed that the Lyme disease plus Babesia persisted.
Note: P. does not remember ever having any tick bites. But living in a rural area and spending a fair amount of time outdoors, it seems inevitable that he would get a tick bite. We learned from our doctor that the pathogens from a tick bite can lurk in the system for 15 to even 20 years before any adverse symptoms began to appear.
In hindsight, the only symptom P. had experienced (about a year before the driving incident) was a trigger finger. Some days it was so annoying he wore a splint. (The trigger finger symptom disappeared almost immediately after he began his Lyme medications, and has never returned.)

I never saw it coming. I had no idea I ever had a tick bite. Beginning in 2010, I felt awful nearly all the time, and I thought I was a hypochondriac. Over the years, a bunch of odd symptoms slowly increased in number and in intensity. None of my symptoms were anything like P.’s Lyme disease symptoms, so I never suspected Lyme. In 2017 I felt ill every day. I began to experience floaters (dark spots in front of my eyes) off and on looking like a swarm of flies.
I experienced muscle spasms so badly that my paintbrush would suddenly flip out of my hand, and eventually I had to stop painting. I experienced numbness in my hands and feet, and sometimes in my entire right arm.
Almost daily, I began to get visual migraines. If I didn’t lie down with ice on the back of my skull pretty quickly, the migraine would turn to nausea and dizziness. I had frequent sinus infections and a Z-pack of azithromycin immediately made me feel better. But as soon as I ran out, the sinus pain came roaring back.
I looked for help and visited a variety of medical providers. I tried homeopathy and a radical diet change. I saw a psychotherapist for my depression. Everything I did helped a little, but did not change the way I felt for very long.

However, in hindsight, I found some clues that the therapy I needed might not be chemical but electrical in nature. That began with my finding a biomagnetic therapist. She helped me a lot, but the IGeneX Western blot for Lyme disease showed I still had Lyme with the co-infection of Babesia. Also, another therapist once told me about a patient she had with Lyme who kept coming to appointments with burns on his hands. He explained to her that he accidentally got a jolt of electricity at work and afterwards he felt better than he had in years! So he continued to intentionally, despite the danger, to “shock” himself. I do not know how he did it, but I filed the story away in my mind as highly unusual but very interesting. I had no intention of ever trying anything like that!
I experienced pretty severe arthritic pain in various joints. The pain never stayed in one place very long until I experienced severe arthritis pain in my right knee for nearly a year. Then one morning I woke up and the “arthritis” was in my left knee. It had just “jumped over,” my right knee was pain-free and the good knee hurt like blazes! It made no sense, and I wondered if I was crazy. I called our doctor.
After hearing all of my seemingly unrelated complaints, he tested me for Lyme disease with the IGeneX western blot test. I do not remember ever being bitten by a tick. I never saw a bullseye rash. A few weeks later, the test came back with a diagnosis of Lyme disease and Babesia as a co-infection. I began taking 500 mg azithromycin once daily plus 5 ml of atovaquone twice daily (for the Babesia). Within days, I felt better than I had in years.
The monthly antibiotic bill for us was huge. They are very necessary and very expensive (a real pain in the pocketbook!). I never really felt good, but much much better was good enough for me. I stayed on those antibiotic medications for the next four-plus years until mid-June 2021, when I surprisingly tested negative. And that’s what this story is about.
After all this experience with Lyme I decided to try an alternative treatment for Lyme (in addition to the antibiotics). P. pooh-poohed the idea and did not wish to “experiment” with alternative treatments.
I began working with the biomagnetic therapist (mentioned earlier). Despite frequent herx* reactions, I felt better after each treatment. But on Dec. 3, 2020, I was tested and was still positive for Lyme and Babesia. I was not cured.
I am fascinated with the work of Edgar Cayce and have read a lot about him over the years. I decided to seek an additional treatment and consulted the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). Lyme disease was not known in Cayce’s day, but there was syphilis, and I learned that the spirochete (pathogen) for Lyme and syphilis was the same thing. A.R.E. recommended, which officially supplies Cayce’s remedies.
The Radiac has been called a meditation unit, stress reducer, bio-electric balancer and spiritual and self unfoldment tool. Dr. Bruce Baar, the manufacturer of the Radiac, is featured in the books: UnBreak Your Health, The Complete Guide to Complementary & Alternative Therapies and Super Memory” and SuperLearning 2000. The Radiac is also mentioned in more than 1,000 readings given by Edgar Cayce. It is exclusively manufactured by Baar Products, Inc. See:
The Radiac has been referred to as the mind machine, the bio battery, the radio-active appliance, the dry cell or the impedance device. No batteries and no electrical outlets are involved. To use it, place it in a plastic container (#102, see below), add ice to the red line, then add water, wait 15 minutes and attach to your wrist and ankle as described in the instruction booklet.
I began using the Radiac machine for meditation before it occurred to me to use it with a Baar Vibradex solution as a medication for Lyme Disease. I read The Radiac Book from Baar Products found at
I began to use my Radiac with the recommended Lyme Vibradex solution in mid-April 2021. (Note, I continued to take antibiotics). I did about 60 treatments from April through June 2021.
P. declined to do this treatment with me.
When both P. and I went to the doctor to be retested (with the IGenix Western blot) for Lyme disease, I simply expected the tests to continue to show the persistence of Lyme yet again. However…

When we returned to the doctor on June 15, 2021, we learned the results of our Lyme tests: I was Lyme (and Babesia) free–I was cured! P.’s test showed that he still had the Lyme and Babesia infection.
I did not realize that P. had misheard these results. Here’s why: P. has worn hearing aids for many years and has them adjusted about every 4 months. He was due to have his hearing aids adjusted the day after that doctor’s visit.
I was so surprised and excited that I tested negative and could finally stop taking antibiotics! But I did not realize P. had misheard and wrongly thought that he tested negative too. His test was not negative. He was still Lyme and Babesia positive. But unfortunately, he then stopped taking his antibiotics, without my knowing it.

On July 15, exactly one month after P. stopped taking his medication for Lyme, he very suddenly, within a matter of two hours, “went off the rails” and exhibited aggressive violent behavior. He experienced “Lyme rage,” in which the pathogen simply takes over the brain.
I took him to the ER and unfortunately the doctors there did not recognize Lyme disease, nor did they understand it. And they were unable to hear me when I told them. I called the drugstore we used and the druggist confirmed that P. had not refilled his Rx for antibiotics the month prior. The druggist remembered that P. said WE were “cured of Lyme disease.” (However, I was cured, but sadly, he was not.)
P. was diagnosed in the ER as having “advanced senile dementia and schizophrenia.” I insisted that he had Lyme disease and that his behavior was caused by a pathogen in his brain. The ER doctors gave him the ELISA test for Lyme, and it was negative. ELISA is a highly unreliable test. But they used it, unfortunately believed the faulty result, and discounted everything I said.
P. was hospitalized and was given heavy-duty industrial-strength tranquilizers and anti psychotic medications to calm him down. My anger, fear and frustration hit new levels when the doctors refused to believe it was Lyme disease. They refused to give him antibiotics and rejected the fact that he had been on antibiotics for years for Lyme. The doctors simply did not believe me when I told them that P. had been “normal” several hours earlier.
I went home after being with P. for nearly 48 hours in the ER and collapsed from the stress and not having eaten. I unknowingly took a bad fall, and I suffered a broken clavicle and a concussion and was hospitalized. However, on July 21, because I had medical power of attorney, I won the uphill battle to keep P. out of the state psychiatric hospital and got him to our Lyme doctor. He immediately put P. back on stronger antibiotics. P. was finally being treated correctly. It took the next two months to recover from this awful episode and return, once again, to his “normal life” on antibiotics.
Naturally, after recovering from this awful episode and hearing the stories (he had no memory of any of it!), P. had a change of heart and was anxious to get home again and try the Radiac device since it worked so well for me.

P. began using the Radiac from Baar with the Lyme Vibradex Solution #185 on Sept. 22, 2021. He used the Radiac 73 times over the next four-plus months. On Feb. 9, our doctor retested him for Lyme using the new and more sensitive IGeneX ImmunoBlot test for Lyme. One month later the result came in, and P. was negative for both Lyme disease and Babesia!
He is cured. We both are. It seems obvious that the Radiac device from Baar with the Vibradex solution for Lyme is the reason. We were told that Lyme disease (and those nasty co-infections) could not be easily cured and that we both would likely be on antibiotic medications for the rest of our lives. If we hadn’t found Dr. Baar’s Radiac we would likely still be taking those antibiotic medications.
The cure for our Lyme Disease wasn’t chemical–it turned out to be electrical. And it was gentle. We did not experience any herx* reactions at all during or after our treatments.
- NOTE: Herxheimer or herx reactions are a short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea, or other symptoms.
- FYI: As I understand it, the Radiac is not like the Rife machine because it doesn’t use specific frequencies. It uses your own bodies energy and equalizes it, then by adding a solutions like Vibradex Lyme – it then sends the vibrations of that solution into your body, very subtly, and basically gives your body what it needs to heal itself. Neither my husband nor I experienced any herx reaction during or after its use.
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The Healthy Oral Care Routine
We’ve known for along time the wise advice to use an alkaline mouthwash like AlkaCare®. Recently, Dr. Hoss, reinforced the benefits of using Alkaline Mouthwash for the reduction of oral disease, tooth decay, plaque build up, and mouth ulcers. A healthy mouth can increase life expectancy by up to 10 years.
Oral health connects to overall body health, but “what we’re currently doing is not working,” says dentist and author of “If Your Mouth Could Talk.” [1]

Hoss recommended the following steps:
- After waking up, use an alkaline mouthwash to restore the pH of the mouth, and loosen any plaque and particles that built up overnight. Rinsing this way reaches areas of the mouth that the toothbrush can’t.
- Floss to remove plaque between your teeth. Any floss is better than no floss, but regular string floss is the best because you use a clean surface every time, Hoss said. Flossers with a handle would be his second choice, followed by water flossers.
- Clean your tongue with a scraper or brush “because that’s another area that people ignore and it’s a big source of a bacteria that cause bad breath,” Hoss said.
- Brush with a safe and effective toothpaste using a toothbrush with soft bristles.
- Repeat this routine before bedtime, but reverse the order, so that the last oral care product you use before bed is the alkaline mouthwash, Hoss recommended.
- In the 16 hours between morning and evening, he was a fan of using mouth spray with xylitol or chewing xylitol gum to balance the acidity of the mouth throughout the day.
“It’s not really complicated: Brush and floss routinely using the right oral care products. Visit your dentist regularly,” Hoss said. “Your oral health impacts every part of your life.”

Alkalizes as It Refreshes
- 1. Pawlowski, A. “Dentist Warns against 1 Habit That Leaves “the Baddest, Toughest” Germs in Your Mouth.”, 7 June 2022,
What Can I Do about My Toenails?
About a year ago I had a conversation with a friend who was telling me that, as much as she loves summer, she was dreading the onset of warmer weather. You see, she had a fungus growing in and around two of her toenails. Those nails were thick and yellow, to the point where she was embarrassed to take off her shoes in public.
With so many prescription and non-prescription treatments out there, it’s hard to know how to treat this type of fungus. One option for her was to go to her primary care physician, who might prescribe an oral antifungal drug. But those drugs can cause side effects like skin rashes or liver damage. Plus, she’d very likely need occasional blood tests to see how she’s doing with the drugs.
On the non-prescription side, much has been written about products containing harsh chemicals that can make toes look and feel worse instead of better.
The Ultimate Goal: Healthy, New Growth from the Nail Bed
“So what can I do about my toenails?” she asked. She knew I developed natural products and thought I might have a solution. I talked to her about diet; staying away from deep fried foods, having fresh fruit and vegetables every day, if possible. I suggested she visit a good chiropractor or massage therapist to help with circulation to the lower extremities. She said she’s done most of that and would like something topical.
It was at that moment I decided to create Toelieva®, a liquid solution that fights fungal growth on the cuticles and skin around and beneath the toenail, while creating a beneficial environment for healthy, new growth from the nail bed. I wanted our new product to be 100% natural and safe, and for the formula and method of application to meet 3 key criteria. These criteria are good reasons to try Toelieva for your own toenail fungus, or recommend it to a relative or friend:
Effective, All-Natural Ingredients – Our new product contains Undecylenic Acid, which scientists and others believe to be an essential ingredient for fighting fungus, and we provide it to you in a powerful FDA-established maximum strength of 25%. Another key ingredient, Organic Olive Oil, nourishes your damaged skin around the new nails as they grow and return to normal.
Easy to Apply – With our brush applicator, you can easily coat the cuticle and skin around the nail (and between the toes, if needed), then massage Toelieva in lightly to help with absorption. The best time to apply is right after a shower.
Ample Supply to Get You through Treatment – While affected toes should start to look better within a week or so, total nail restoration can take up to 4-6 months. So, it’s important to be patient and apply Toelieva daily. With our large 2 oz. bottle, you should have plenty of product to last throughout the course of treatment.
So How Did My Friend Do with Toelieva?
I’m happy to report that, as one of the first to try Toelieva, she’s ecstatic. She says the skin around her nails and cuticles looked decidedly better after a week of applying it every day. At that time, she went for a pedicure, and when the polish was stripped away after several more weeks of daily applications, her nails appeared even healthier. Last time I spoke with her she was headed to the beach for the weekend and not at all concerned about people seeing her toenails.
With Toelieva, you can have healthy looking toenails again without the use of oral antifungal drugs or harsh chemicals. And while getting to the finish line won’t happen overnight, I’m confident that, just like my friend, with slow but steady progress you can have your nails looking their best.
An All-Natural Way to Triumph Over Psoriasis
Do You Suffer from Psoriasis?
If you or a loved one suffers from psoriasis, you’re no stranger to its irritating symptoms. With a psoriasis lesion, the surface area of the skin becomes red, inflamed, extremely sensitive, visibly raised and scaly. Psoriasis lesions can be found anywhere on the body, but the most common sites are the scalp, the elbows, the knees, the small of the back and the lower legs.
If you ask the typical family doctor about psoriasis, chances are he or she may say there’s no cure for the condition, but there are ways to manage it and relieve the discomfort it causes. For someone who’s been suffering for months or even years with psoriasis, that’s not too encouraging. However, as a result of the work of Dr. John Pagano, there’s reason to be optimistic!
Who Is Dr. John Pagano?
Dr. Pagano is author of the breakthrough book, Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative. Although trained as a chiropractor, he became deeply interested in psoriasis when he met his first patients with the condition while interning at a Denver hospital in the 1960s. The thought of their torment never left him, and he embarked on more than 35 years of research to prove that psoriasis can be controlled and healed naturally.
In his book, Dr. Pagano wrote, “Psoriasis is the external manifestation of the body’s attempt to ‘throw off’ internal toxins.” In other words, the skin is doing what the bowels and the kidneys should be doing.
Normally, it’s the job of the bowels and the kidneys, not the skin, to remove waste matter from the body. In some cases, however, the bowels and kidneys can’t work quickly enough, which results in a toxic overload known as “leaky gut syndrome.” When this happens, the skin is called upon to act as a backup system and takes on the task of removing toxins – thus the rash, irritation and lesions.
Dr. Pagano cited Edgar Cayce as the first to offer this explanation for the cause of psoriasis more than 70 years ago. And although Cayce didn’t specifically use the term “leaky gut” when referring to the seepage of toxins through thin intestinal walls, Dr. Pagano felt it quite obvious that the “Father of Holistic Medicine” was describing the same phenomenon using the language of his day.
Attacking Psoriasis from the Inside Out
Dr. Pagano’s life-altering guide presents a proven, all-natural, safe and healthy program for healing psoriasis. In simple, straightforward language, his book:
Explains why the disease must be viewed from the inside out
Reveals the importance of diet, detoxification and attitude in overcoming the disease
Offers a clear, step-by-step regimen that’s helped many people worldwide win their battle over psoriasis
To achieve his regimen’s goals of clearing out poisons accumulated in the body, and then preventing further intake of toxic elements, Dr. Pagano identified 6 essential measures:
1.Internal cleansing
2. A high alkaline-low acidic diet
3. Specific herbal teas
4. Adjustments of the spine
5. External applications
6. Right thinking – a must in the healing of any disease
At Baar Products, we fully subscribe to the process Dr. Pagano called the natural alternative, and we offer a number of remedies – consistent with his regimen – that can help psoriasis sufferers on the road to full recovery:
American Saffron Tea – A tea made from the vibrant red-yellow petals of the American Saffron flower that’s popular for easing digestive upset, and has an overall soothing and relaxing effect on the intestinal system.
Slippery Elm Powder – Creates a protective coating along the inner lining of the upper and lower intestinal tracts. Prevents seepage of toxins, helps with healing thin, porous intestinal walls, and aids in elimination. Can be used as an elm water drink and/or tea.
Psoriasis Cream – Containing Salicylic Acid and blended in a nourishing base of natural herbs and oils, a topical cream that offers relief from the itching, irritation, redness and scaling associated with psoriasis.
Psoriasis Scalp & Body Wash – Containing 2% Salicylic Acid in a nutrient-rich blend of soothing botanical oils and therapeutic herbs, a wonderfully refreshing, gentle cleanser that restores skin and scalp health.
Psoriasis Care Kit – A combination of all 4 products listed above, plus a number of simple dietary suggestions, that will serve you well on your inside-out journey to a psoriasis-free lifestyle.
Does the Pagano Regimen Really Work?
This question was asked of Dr. Pagano more than any other, and his reply was always yes – and no. His yes answer applied to most of those patients who seriously committed themselves to his regimen. It was a no, however, for those who played at the regimen, didn’t take it seriously enough and were always looking for a quick fix.
As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and the powerful message of Dr. Pagano’s book is driven home by a variety of before-and-after photos of completely healed patients, such as the one shown below. The subjects of this and many other images in Dr. Pagano’s book are patients who followed through with patience and persistence to bring about their desired end result – triumph over psoriasis.

Learn All You Can about The Natural Alternative
Before John Pagano passed away at age 82 in 2012, I came to know him both professionally and personally, and valued him as a mentor and a friend. I encourage you to learn more about him and his research, as well, and the best way to do that is through Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative. It’s a fascinating read, especially for anyone who’d welcome a resourceful ally in the fight against psoriasis.