Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, occur most often in adults over 50. They can be uncomfortable, painful and are often accompanied by itching, burning, swelling and painless bleeding. Hemorrhoids are enlarged, swollen veins found inside or around the rectum and are often a result of straining during bowel movements, increased pressure due to pregnancy, chronic constipation, strained lifting, low fiber diet, fighting the urge to “go” and lower spinal injury.
Many people can experience relief with some simple lifestyle changes such as: drinking more water, increasing fiber intake or adding moderate exercise such as walking, yoga or swimming.
Edgar Cayce gave over 100 readings for individuals with hemorrhoid conditions and advised therapies ranging from colonics, massage, spinal adjustments, stretching exercises, fume or sitz baths, topical ointments, dietary changes and a variety of digestive aids.
Cayce frequently attributed the onset of this condition to poor eliminations, high levels of toxins in the body, glandular imbalance, poor circulation and hyperacidity.
The most frequently recommended topical ointments to aid this condition were compounds known as TIM and TIBBEX [1]. Cayce advised the “better” formula was TIBBEX [2].
Cayce also recommended daily stretching exercises to relieve pressure in the lower abdomen area.
“a very helpful exercise… would be the bending exercise with the hands raised high above the head, bending forward to bring the hands as close to the floor as possible. Do this for two or three minutes morning and evening.” (Cayce)
“Hence if there will be morning and evening the exercise, not the stooping but the bending – raising the hands high above the head – as these are slowly raised, rising on toes, drawing IN the deep breath through the nostril – as the body is bent forward, with the fingers toward the floor, exhale through the mouth – doing this SLOWLY, consistently, for a minute or such, morning and evening – we may find conditions on the mend.” (Cayce)
“… There should be rather the slower rising upon the toes, not bouncing up but as the arms are stretched upward and the deep breath is taken these should be as rhythmic and not too jerky in their activity. These, though, tend to make for the opening of activities along the hips, the spine, the shoulders, the chest, and tend to make for the keeping of the circulation through the breathing in as raised, exhaling through the mouth as bending forward – a helpful and hopeful condition for the body, bringing into play the muscles of the shoulders, the hips. Thus we will relieve those tendencies that have been indicated that have existed in portions of the cerebrospinal system as related to the lymph circulation and flow through the head and neck. For these as the body will find will tend to make for, morning and evening, the throwing off of refuse as it were from the throat and head and the bronchial tubes. And with the exercises in the open, as recuperative forces at play and at work, will make for the more helpful and the more enlivening of the whole of the body-physical forces. The local applications for those conditions in the rectum and the activities through the sphincter centers have been indicated and these as they are used will be found to work with the exercise and with the care and attention [TIBBEX [1]] as will or should be taken regarding the diets and the general activity.” (Cayce)
Incorporate some of these simple strategies to relieve the stress and strain of hemorrhoids. Be sure to see a medical practitioner if bleeding occurs as this can also be the sign of other medical issues.
TIBBEX™ and TIM™ are trademarks of Baar Products, Inc.