Category Archives: Immune System

Why Multivitamin Supplements are Important

Think you’ve got a nutritious diet, exercise regularly, sleep well and lead a generally “healthy” lifestyle? You could still be missing essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. While Multiple Vitamins are not meant to take the place of a healthy diet, they can help bridge the nutrient gap that you may be experiencing.

Selecting a supplement that is rich in green superfoods, targeted herbs, enzymes and vitamins can help strengthen the body’s core functions, adding vitality and energy to your day. Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, hormones like vitamin D and minerals such as Calcium and Iron, are essential to the body because they help facilitate important cellular functions.

It may be possible to eat the amount of food that it would take to supply your body with the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of nutrients that your body needs, but it probably won’t be easy. You’d really need to keep a daily dietary record, noting the types of foods and exact quantities of what goes into your mouth. If you’ve got a hectic schedule and are on-the-move, like most of us, you’d probably have a hard time doing this, in which case a multivitamin may be right for you.

Give your Multivitamin a Boost with Green Superfoods

Special Two Multivitamin with Green Superfoods

Nature’s Blessing Special Two provides you with a variety of essential vitamins and minerals with the added benefits of Green Superfoods. Special Two contains 4 key Green Superfoods which are known to be more nutrient dense than most green, leafy vegetables. These Superfoods fortify, energize and strengthen, giving your body the boost it needs.

Spirulina is a type of algae which is extremely high in immune-boosting chlorophyll. It also supports the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut, aiding digestive function.

Chlorella works to cleanse the body of potentially harmful toxins. Rich in a complex array of nutrients, it binds to heavy metals.

Organic Barley Grass has a high concentration of essential amino acids, some of which the human body does not produce on its own. Also high in organic sodium, Barley grass may help soften calcium deposits in the joints, supporting mobility.

Alfalfa Juice is rich in vitamins A, B, E and K, and is also high in minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and zinc. These vitamins and minerals support strong bones and boost immune function throughout the body.

Support your health and vitality with the vitamins, minerals and superfoods in Special Two. It can add energy to your day!
© Baar Products, Inc., 2014

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Soothe that Throat “Tickle” Naturally with Respicol

Having a cold, post nasal drip or seasonal allergies often comes along with an annoying, scratchy tickle in the throat. Many conventional medicines contain harsh ingredients and have a list of side effects. Respicol® is a natural herbal syrup which integrates the traditional benefits of a unique blend of botanicals. It works within minutes to soothe irritated throat passages for fast relief without causing drowsiness. While other remedies may allow a dose or two per day, you can take Respicol as often as every hour until symptoms alleviate.

What is in Respicol?

Respicol, 4 oz.

Specially selected herbs are blended in a honey and syrup base to work with your body’s lymphatic, digestive and immune systems. Historical application of these herbs suggest they harmonize the systems of the body, enhancing the body’s ability to detoxify and cleanse.

Horehound has been used for centuries as an expectorant. Traditionally, ancient Egyptians used horehound as an aid in clearing mucus from the respiratory system. It soothes those irritated mucous tissues especially in the throat.

Wild Cherry Bark alleviates distress especially of the nose and throat by relieving swelling of mucous membranes. It is also effective for boosting sluggish digestion.

Respicol, 8 oz. bottle for soothing throat tickle

Rhubarb is a mild stimulant to liver and gall bladder. This will help clarify the system and remove toxins that may be causing irritation to the respiratory system.

Wild Ginger tones and purifies the digestive tract and the lymphatics associated with the intestinal tract. This herb enhances circulation and supports the body’s immune response which may help relieve the scratchy tickle in the throat which causes the urge to cough.

Many of the herbs in Respicol aid the function of the body’s lymphatic system, assisting it in cleansing and detoxifying thereby supporting proper eliminations. Once these systems begin to work more effectively, the body’s circulation improves helping to clear the throat and respiratory systems… stopping that annoying tickle from coming back.

How has Respicol Helped Others?

“I wanted you to know that I think Respicol is a great product. Recently, I had a cold with coughing that had lasted a while…I bought a bottle, followed the directions, and immediately my coughing eased. My throat was so much more comfortable. I now have a bottle in reserve, just in case. Thanks for making Respicol available!” – T.W.

“My husband has a job talking a lot at night, sometimes he has to talk for hours on a phone call. This stuff [Respicol] saves his throat.” – L.B.E., Colorado Springs, CO
© Baar Products, Inc., 2015

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Digestive Enzymes are Vital to Overall Health

Healthy Digestion is a Key for Immune Health

Proper digestive function is critical to overall health and well-being.  While the body manufactures a number of digestive enzymes, it also obtains them from foods such as papaya, pineapple, bananas and more. These enzymes enable the body to breakdown food, so nutrients can be released and absorbed. When the digestive system works properly, it acts as a barrier to bacteria and viruses, assists in removing wastes and toxins from the body and enables nutrients to be absorbed.

Signs of Insufficient Digestive Enzyme Activity

Research shows that as we grow older, the body’s ability to produce digestive enzymes decreases. Also, if you are stressed, you don’t produce enough digestive enzymes. If you eat on the run, you don’t produce enough. As a result, nutrients are not absorbed and bowel irregularities can occur. In today’s busy world, many of the foods being consumed are processed, loaded with additives and preservatives and chemically altered creating even more distress to the digestive system. Gas, bloating, reflux, constipation and/or diarrhea can be an indication of a decrease or lack of digestive enzyme activity. A number of different symptoms can be caused due to a lack of digestive enzymes and may be detrimental to your lifestyle.

What do Digestive Enzymes do?Super Digestive Enzymes Capsules Image

Digestive Enzymes help breakdown food into small, absorbable molecules. If you don’t have enough digestive enzymes, when you eat your food, it won’t be absorbed and it’ll pass through without receiving any nutritional benefits. It may even inflame your gut. Even with the healthiest diet, adequate fiber intake and sufficient water, the body can still require digestive help. Adding our digestive supplement, Super Digestive Enzymes, before a meal helps optimize the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and protein which in turn, helps the body absorb the nutrients it needs to be vital and healthy. Get all the benefits from the food you are eating!
© Baar Products, Inc., 2014

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Boost Your Immunity with Natural Iodine from Sea Vegetables

Kelp and Dulse are two great options when it comes to natural iodine supplementation. Not only do you receive your daily requirement for iodine, you also benefit from the abundant, naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals found in these sea vegetables.

Because our bodies do not produce iodine on their own, it must be obtained through the diet. Iodine is essential for the production of thyroid hormones and can be found in foods such as cheese, yogurt, milk, eggs, table salt, fish, dietary supplements and more. As people restrict their intake of many of these foods, a trend toward iodine deficiency develops. If we are not getting iodine from our food, it is best to find a daily supplement. Because most of the world’s natural iodine is concentrated in seawater, sea vegetables are an excellent natural option for supplementing your iodine needs.

Kelp, a large, leafy brown algae that belongs to the seaweed family, is a good source of marine minerals, including potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. It is also an excellent source of natural iodine which is necessary for healthy Thyroid function.

Dulse is a common red seaweed which is rich in trace elements and vitamins, particularly Vitamin A. It is a nutrient-rich source of protein, fiber, iron and Vitamins C, E and B complex.

Combine the two of these Sea Vegetables together and feel these three great benefits of natural iodine:

Improved Energy –

Kelp and Dulse are both packed with essential B-Vitamins. As with any plant, these seaweeds also contain Chlorophyll which helps to restore energy and vitality. They are an excellent source of iodine which is essential to Thyroid function. Your Thyroid gland is responsible for producing the hormones that are required for many functions in the body such as: supporting normal cellular metabolism, maintaining healthy cholesterol and balancing mood. These plants are also a rich source of minerals including manganese, potassium and iron, which aid in fighting fatigue.

Digestion –

High in fiber, Kelp and Dulse also supports the body’s digestive system. Seaweeds can balance colon and intestinal flora, which promotes good bacteria in the gut. Fiber and natural iodine found in seaweed are alkaline forming which also benefits digestive function. Once the body is digesting properly, the immune system can function more efficiently.

Immune Health –

Seaweeds, such as Kelp and Dulse, can contain as much as 10-20x the vitamin and mineral content of land plants. These bioavailable nutrients are easily absorbed which enables the body to better utilize them.

Containing concentrated amounts of iodine, sea vegetables are a natural way to support healthy thyroid function, enhance energy, balance digestion and boost the immune system. Supplement with Kelp-Dulse capsules and experience vitality from the sea.
© Baar Products, Inc., 2015

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Resist Colds and Congestion with the Cold Coin®

by Dr. Bruce Baar

How does the Cold Coin® resist colds and congestion?

The Cold Coin is known for reinforcing the body during cold and allergy season. Made of a specialized metal, the Cold Coin works by ionizing the body, making it more resistant to colds and congestion. Cayce advised that this unique metal will help the body to “resist the inclinations for disturbance with the mucous membranes of the throat and nasal passages”. It can be carried in your pocket & worn around your neck.

Customer’s Testimonial:

“Reason I used this product – To eliminate my constant colds. My condition could be described as very run down. I am a full time student, and a full time worker. I’ve been doing this for the past 2 1/2 years. Since then I had colds on top of colds with about 2 weeks between a cold… I began with this product, and will keep this Cold Coin around my neck until I die. Harsh words aren’t they?
Results – This part amazes me to this day. I put this Cold Coin around my neck the day I received it. To my surprise, ‘within 3 hours,’ yes three hours, I noticed a big – big change within my body. My cold actually began to break up. I couldn’t believe what had happened. To this day, I have been out in all kinds of weather while I am at work and others have began to get sniffles, and I have yet to sneeze. I have not taken anything, no cold tablets or anything, only the Cold Coin around my neck. The cold disappeared and has not returned, and I hope it never will.
Ratings – ‘Excellent'”

“Five years of no colds, no flu, not even congestion from allergies since I started wearing the Cold Coin my mom gave me. I handed it to my son and I’m buying these for me again and the rest of us. Thank you!”  – P.W., North Darmouth, MA

A super gift to protect yourself and others.

cold coin

The Cold Coin is an accessory that is good for everyone. While it is mainly worn in a front pocket so it sits near the groin, a major lymphatic area, some like to wear the Cold Coin around their neck as well. Using our black satin cord (500bsc), the medallion can be comfortably worn around the neck. Keep plenty on hand for yourself and be sure to share them with your friends. Give your body’s natural defenses a boost this cold and allergy season to resist colds and congestion.

What does “Nosce Te Ipsum” mean?

cold coin- "know thyself"

Carry this daily inspirational reminder as you experience its unique physical benefits. This statement of wisdom, “Nosce Te Ipsum”, meaning “Know Thyself”, has been spoken throughout the ages from the likes of Socrates, Plato, Benjamin Franklin, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Inscribed above the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece, these three ancient words encourage the pursuit of self-unfoldment, self-reflection, and a reminder to seek the divine within.

The Temple of Apollo with Nosce Te Ipsum

“An unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates
Carry with you these words of inspiration from the great sages. Let the Cold Coin be your talisman.
© Baar Products, Inc., 2016

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