Author Archives: Dr. Bruce Baar

What Can I Do about My Toenails?

About a year ago I had a conversation with a friend who was telling me that, as much as she loves summer, she was dreading the onset of warmer weather. You see, she had a fungus growing in and around two of her toenails. Those nails were thick and yellow, to the point where she was embarrassed to take off her shoes in public.

With so many prescription and non-prescription treatments out there, it’s hard to know how to treat this type of fungus. One option for her was to go to her primary care physician, who might prescribe an oral antifungal drug. But those drugs can cause side effects like skin rashes or liver damage. Plus, she’d very likely need occasional blood tests to see how she’s doing with the drugs.

On the non-prescription side, much has been written about products containing harsh chemicals that can make toes look and feel worse instead of better. 

The Ultimate Goal: Healthy, New Growth from the Nail Bed

“So what can I do about my toenails?” she asked. She knew I developed natural products and thought I might have a solution. I talked to her about diet; staying away from deep fried foods, having fresh fruit and vegetables every day, if possible. I suggested she visit a good chiropractor or massage therapist to help with circulation to the lower extremities. She said she’s done most of that and would like something topical. 

It was at that moment I decided to create Toelieva®, a liquid solution that fights fungal growth on the cuticles and skin around and beneath the toenail, while creating a beneficial environment for healthy, new growth from the nail bed. I wanted our new product to be 100% natural and safe, and for the formula and method of application to meet 3 key criteria. These criteria are good reasons to try Toelieva for your own toenail fungus, or recommend it to a relative or friend:

Effective, All-Natural Ingredients – Our new product contains Undecylenic Acid, which scientists and others believe to be an essential ingredient for fighting fungus, and we provide it to you in a powerful FDA-established maximum strength of 25%. Another key ingredient, Organic Olive Oil, nourishes your damaged skin around the new nails as they grow and return to normal.

Easy to Apply – With our brush applicator, you can easily coat the cuticle and skin around the nail (and between the toes, if needed), then massage Toelieva in lightly to help with absorption. The best time to apply is right after a shower.

Ample Supply to Get You through Treatment – While affected toes should start to look better within a week or so, total nail restoration can take up to 4-6 months. So, it’s important to be patient and apply Toelieva daily. With our large 2 oz. bottle, you should have plenty of product to last throughout the course of treatment.

So How Did My Friend Do with Toelieva?

Toelieva Antifungal Liquid Solution for toenails

I’m happy to report that, as one of the first to try Toelieva, she’s ecstatic. She says the skin around her nails and cuticles looked decidedly better after a week of applying it every day. At that time, she went for a pedicure, and when the polish was stripped away after several more weeks of daily applications, her nails appeared even healthier. Last time I spoke with her she was headed to the beach for the weekend and not at all concerned about people seeing her toenails.

With Toelieva, you can have healthy looking toenails again without the use of oral antifungal drugs or harsh chemicals. And while getting to the finish line won’t happen overnight, I’m confident that, just like my friend, with slow but steady progress you can have your nails looking their best. 

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An All-Natural Way to Triumph Over Psoriasis

Do You Suffer from Psoriasis?

If you or a loved one suffers from psoriasis, you’re no stranger to its irritating symptoms. With a psoriasis lesion, the surface area of the skin becomes red, inflamed, extremely sensitive, visibly raised and scaly. Psoriasis lesions can be found anywhere on the body, but the most common sites are the scalp, the elbows, the knees, the small of the back and the lower legs.

If you ask the typical family doctor about psoriasis, chances are he or she may say there’s no cure for the condition, but there are ways to manage it and relieve the discomfort it causes. For someone who’s been suffering for months or even years with psoriasis, that’s not too encouraging. However, as a result of the work of Dr. John Pagano, there’s reason to be optimistic!

Who Is Dr. John Pagano?

Dr. Pagano is author of the breakthrough book, Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative. Although trained as a chiropractor, he became deeply interested in psoriasis when he met his first patients with the condition while interning at a Denver hospital in the 1960s. The thought of their torment never left him, and he embarked on more than 35 years of research to prove that psoriasis can be controlled and healed naturally.

In his book, Dr. Pagano wrote, “Psoriasis is the external manifestation of the body’s attempt to ‘throw off’ internal toxins.”  In other words, the skin is doing what the bowels and the kidneys should be doing.

Normally, it’s the job of the bowels and the kidneys, not the skin, to remove waste matter from the body. In some cases, however, the bowels and kidneys can’t work quickly enough, which results in a toxic overload known as “leaky gut syndrome.” When this happens, the skin is called upon to act as a backup system and takes on the task of removing toxins – thus the rash, irritation and lesions.

Dr. Pagano cited Edgar Cayce as the first to offer this explanation for the cause of psoriasis more than 70 years ago. And although Cayce didn’t specifically use the term “leaky gut” when referring to the seepage of toxins through thin intestinal walls, Dr. Pagano felt it quite obvious that the “Father of Holistic Medicine” was describing the same phenomenon using the language of his day.

Attacking Psoriasis from the Inside Out

Dr. Pagano’s life-altering guide presents a proven, all-natural, safe and healthy program for healing psoriasis. In simple, straightforward language, his book:

Explains why the disease must be viewed from the inside out

Reveals the importance of diet, detoxification and attitude in overcoming the disease

Offers a clear, step-by-step regimen that’s helped many people worldwide win their battle over psoriasis

To achieve his regimen’s goals of clearing out poisons accumulated in the body, and then preventing further intake of toxic elements, Dr. Pagano identified 6 essential measures:

1.Internal cleansing
2. A high alkaline-low acidic diet
3. Specific herbal teas
4. Adjustments of the spine
5. External applications
6. Right thinking – a must in the healing of any disease

At Baar Products, we fully subscribe to the process Dr. Pagano called the natural alternative, and we offer a number of remedies – consistent with his regimen – that can help psoriasis sufferers on the road to full recovery:

American Saffron Tea

American Saffron Tea – A tea made from the vibrant red-yellow petals of the American Saffron flower that’s popular for easing digestive upset, and has an overall soothing and relaxing effect on the intestinal system.

Slippery Elm Powder

Slippery Elm Powder – Creates a protective coating along the inner lining of the upper and lower intestinal tracts. Prevents seepage of toxins, helps with healing thin, porous intestinal walls, and aids in elimination. Can be used as an elm water drink and/or tea.

Psoriasis Cream

Psoriasis Cream – Containing Salicylic Acid and blended in a nourishing base of natural herbs and oils, a topical cream that offers relief from the itching, irritation, redness and scaling associated with psoriasis.

Psoriasis Scalp & Body Wash

Psoriasis Scalp & Body Wash – Containing 2% Salicylic Acid in a nutrient-rich blend of soothing botanical oils and therapeutic herbs, a wonderfully refreshing, gentle cleanser that restores skin and scalp health.

Psoriasis Care Kit

Psoriasis Care Kit – A combination of all 4 products listed above, plus a number of simple dietary suggestions, that will serve you well on your inside-out journey to a psoriasis-free lifestyle.

Does the Pagano Regimen Really Work?

This question was asked of Dr. Pagano more than any other, and his reply was always yes – and no. His yes answer applied to most of those patients who seriously committed themselves to his regimen. It was a no, however, for those who played at the regimen, didn’t take it seriously enough and were always looking for a quick fix.

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and the powerful message of Dr. Pagano’s book is driven home by a variety of before-and-after photos of completely healed patients, such as the one shown below. The subjects of this and many other images in Dr. Pagano’s book are patients who followed through with patience and persistence to bring about their desired end result – triumph over psoriasis. 

Psoriasis Before and After Photograph

Learn All You Can about The Natural Alternative

Healing Psoriasis Book by Dr. John Pagano

Before John Pagano passed away at age 82 in 2012, I came to know him both professionally and personally, and valued him as a mentor and a friend. I encourage you to learn more about him and his research, as well, and the best way to do that is through Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative. It’s a fascinating read, especially for anyone who’d welcome a resourceful ally in the fight against psoriasis.     

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Can Ioxan Prevent Alzheimer’s?

Ioxan, Herbal Gum Massage - Possibly Help Prevent for alzheimer's?

A new study was just released and is supporting the hypothesis that Alzheimer’s is not just a disease, it’s also an infection of the gums.

This evidence is connecting the pathogen, P. gingivalis to Alzheimer’s.  This is the pathogen that causes gum disease or periodontitis.  An inflammation of the gums.  The researchers identified enzymes called “gingipains” secreted by this bacteria in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.  These enzymes are toxic to a protein needed for normal brain and neuronal function.  In addition to that, the study found that mice with this P. gingivalis infection resulted in a brain colonization and increased production of the component of amyloid plaques.

Ioxan Salt N' Soda, Herbal Gum Massage - Possibly Help Prevent for alzheimer's?

We don’t know if Ioxan™ can prevent Alzheimer’s. But, we believe if Ioxan is capable of helping so many people with their gum conditions there is a good chance they may also be getting the benefit of a healthier mind and a longer, more joyous life.   I will continue to use Ioxan and our Ioxan Salt and Soda.

Testimonials on Ioxan:

“Since using the Ioxan, Herbal Gum Massage and Mouthrinse, my gums no longer bleed. Thank you so much!” – M.H., Covina, CA

“I’d also like to comment on item #772 Ioxan. My gum and teeth health have greatly increased.” – A.L., Libertytown, MD

“…The Ioxan is nothing short of miraculous.” – K.C., Sequim, WA

“Ioxan is the most effective gum therapy I have found.” – A.B., MD., Wheeling, WV

“I had not gone to the dentist for nearly four years and when I finally went I was told, after the cleaning, to come back in three months because my gums didn’t look healthy and that I may need a deep cleaning. For two months prior to my return I used IOXAN and was glad when told that my gums now look healthy.” – W.B. Sarasota, FL

“IOXAN … worked! I used the stuff twice a day, working it into the gum with an electric rotary toothbrush… Last week, I went for another checkup without telling the hygienist what I had done, but merely asked what the “pockets” looked like. ‘What pockets? There are none!’ No more talk of surgery and my mouth feels just fine!” – F.Z., St. Augustine, FL

“Excellent products! My husband was told he needed gum surgery. I bought IOXAN. A few months later, the dentist was amazed and said he didn’t need surgery! I gave our dentist all the info about it for other patients. He was impressed! THANKS!” – J.C., Wichita Falls, TX


  1. “We may finally know what causes Alzheimer’s – and how to stop it” NewScientist. 23 January 2019.
  2. “Gum disease may be the cause of Alzheimer’s – here’s how to avoid it” NewScientist. 24 January 2019.
  3. “Periodontal disease associates with higher brain amyloid load in normal elderly” Neurobiology of Aging. 5 November 2014.
  4. “Periodontitis is associated with cognitive impairment among older adults” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry. 5 May 2009.
  5. “Active Invasion of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Infection-Induced Complement Activation in ApoE-/- Mice Brains” IOS Press Content Library. 30 October 2015.
  6. “Periodontitis induced by bacterial infection exacerbates features of Alzheimer’s disease in transgenic mice” Nature Partner Journals. 6 November 2017.
  7. “Chronic oral application of a periodontal pathogen results in brain inflammation, neurodegeneration and amyloid beta production in wild type mice” PLoS ONE. 3 October 2018.

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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4 Essential Features to Look for in a CBD Supplement

With all the publicity surrounding the advent of cannabidiol, or CBD, it’s only natural to ask yourself, “What’s all the excitement about, and why should I add this to my daily regimen?”

I’ve been paying close attention to CBD’s growing popularity, but before we introduced our own brand of CBD products, I wanted to make sure we could provide you with the highest quality offerings available anywhere.

As our team went through the process of determining precisely how we would formulate our products, we were laser-focused on a list of 4 must-have features. Please check them out below, but let’s first look at some reasons why so many people today view CBD supplements as a valuable tool for achieving optimum health.

CBD: An Ever-Evolving Story

As reported in Harvard Medical School’s Harvard Health Blog, “the strongest evidence for (CBD’s) effectiveness is in treating some of the cruelest childhood epilepsy syndromes.” This was confirmed in 2018 when “the FDA approved the first ever cannabis-derived medicine for these conditions.”1

In addition, perhaps recognizing the perceived value many consumers place on hemp-based supplements, “… states have legalized the sale of CBD oil, which is being used and studied for a range of health problems including: stress, anxiety, joint pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, menstrual cramps, nausea, insomnia, addiction, autism, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune disorders, as well as schizophrenia. The oil may also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.”2

CBD is still relatively new, and our knowledge of its effectiveness for the conditions mentioned above is an ever-evolving story. But it’s hard to ignore the increasing number of people across the U.S. and around the world that are citing positive results.

What CBD Users Are Saying

Generally, CBD users report feeling calmer and more at ease. Their blood pressure normalizes. Pain subsides. Sleep, digestion and circulation improve. People’s immune systems get stronger, and they feel happier and more content. More specifically, here are some favorable reviews posted by CBD users on WebMD3:

“I take CBD oil to help with chronic pain and it has changed my life! If I forget to take it for a day I can really feel how much worse my pain is.”

“For me, CBD simply takes away my anxiety completely. It is incredible. It doesn’t necessarily make you feel relaxed, and certainly doesn’t make you high or anything, it just makes you not anxious anymore.”

“I have been using this for pain from arthritis and have had amazing results.”

“I can’t say enough about CBD. After going to several different neurologists who kept prescribing anti-seizure meds which did not work, we began using CBD oil which provided almost instant relief.”

“I use CBD oil to help relieve pain from neuropathy.”

Our 4 Essential Product Features

Here’s the list of features I referred to earlier, along with reasons why you should insist on them as you navigate the maze of CBD products on the market today:

Full Spectrum CBD Hemp Oil Extract – CBD is just one of many cannabinoids, and “full spectrum hemp extract” means the product contains a complete array of both cannabinoids and terpenes, compounds that work together to produce an “entourage effect” that helps bring our bodies’ systems into balance.

Subcritical CO2 Extraction – This unique manufacturing process makes the entourage effect possible. Subcritical means there’s no heat used during extraction, which enables all the powerful compounds – CBD, other cannabinoids and terpenes – to survive and have a positive impact on your health. Contrast that with the other popular method, supercritical CO2 extraction, which preserves only the CBD.

Grown in the USA – Specific standards as set forth in the 2014 and 2018 Farm Bills passed by Congress are required for legally growing, cultivating and producing industrial hemp plants. To ensure that these standards are met, it’s best to use CBD-based products from manufacturers located in the USA.

Independent Lab-Tested – A 2017 study from the University of Pennsylvania found that nearly 70% of CBD products sold online did not contain the concentration of CBD oil listed on the label. The team also reported that several products analyzed contained significant amounts of THC.4 That’s why it’s important to choose CBD products that are tested by a third-party lab to verify that what’s stated on the label is accurate.

3 CBD Products with All These Features

I insist that any CBD product that carries the Baar logo have all of these important features. To learn more about our current offerings, click on any of the links below. Each product listing contains additional information on how plant-based cannabinoids and terpenes work together to help regulate the body’s homeostasis, or general state of balance. And please contact us with any additional questions.

Full Spectrum Hemp Extract Oil, Peppermint Flavor, 1500 mg

Hemp Extract Muscle & Joint Relief Cream

Arthro®-C Boost Massage Oil

Full Spectrum hemp extract oil dropper
Arthro-C Boost massage oil
muscle and joint relief cream with hemp


1  “Cannabidiol (CBD) – What We Know and What We Don’t,” Peter Grinspoon, M.D., Harvard Medical School, Harvard Health Blog,’t (downloaded April 24, 2019).

2  “Using CBD Oil for Pain Relief?,” Ask Dr. Weil, Andrew Weil, M.D., Oct. 19, 2018, oil-for-pain-relief/ (downloaded April 24, 2019).

3  “User Reviews & Ratings – Cannabidiol,” WebMD, (downloaded April 30, 2019).

4  “Penn Study Shows Nearly 70 Percent of Cannabidiol Extracts Sold Online Are Mislabeled,” press release, Penn Medicine News (Nov. 7, 2017).

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Sulflax: A Remedy For Stimulating Eliminations

An image showing the Sulflax Powder product from Baar Products.

The formula name, Sulflax, was created by combining the name of one of its key ingredients and its function. It contains the prefix “sulf” (sulfur) and “lax” (laxative), its remedial purpose.

Enhancing better eliminations is a major component for achieving better health – part of Dr. Harold J. Reilly’s C.A.R.E. formula: Circulation, Assimilation, Relaxation, Elimination. While some laxatives are considered too harsh for some systems, he did offer other means of assisting and stimulating eliminations. This particular formula is one such remedy, and it is recommended to individuals in the Cayce readings from the ages of 21 months to 74 years.

Amount and Frequency

Taking Sulflax® can extend from once per day for 2 to 3 days, up to as long as 2 weeks; the suggested use is in the middle range of this spread–from 3 to 7 days. Some are advised to take Sulflax in a series, such as 3 to 5 days, rest 5 days, then repeat. With just a few exceptions, it is to be taken daily in the morning before breakfast; for some every other day is suitable, and for a few twice a day–morning and evening–is recommended. It can be taken either dry or mixed in a glass of water, while a few mention warm or hot water. Some customers state that they added it to syrup or honey.

The length of time recommended for taking Sulflax often depended upon one’s reaction to it, so that once eliminations have begun, it can be discontinued. Ten days and 2 weeks is the longest recommended time for taking Sulflax consistently. As mentioned earlier, it can be taken in a series, with rest periods in between repetitions.

Expected Effects from Using Sulflax

As to the purpose of the remedy, it is a purifier and cleanser for the body–for the circulatory and digestive systems as well as a stimulant for the elimination system. In its role as a mild laxative, it not only will increase the eliminations and set up the better assimilating forces for the body, but it will also cleanse and purify the alimentary canal (the passageway extending from the mouth to the anus through which food is processed and digested).

Additional Information

Poor eliminations may be the indirect or direct cause of various physical ailments for which Dr. Reilly’s patients asked for help. It is always advisable to seek advice from a health professional when beginning a new regimen of treatment.

It’s important to keep in mind that very rarely is only one item suggested for a particular health problem. Other remedies, such as osteopathic adjustments, the three-day apple diet, massages, steams, or colonics, are also recommended either during or after the taking of Sulflax. Each remedy has its own function to aid and assist the body in coming to a better balanced condition.

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