Natural Castor Oil remedies [1] are used for a wide variety of health and beauty issues. Castor Oil’s powerful therapeutic properties have been recognized and used by people all over the world. Pressed from the castor bean of the Castor plant, the unique healing powers of this oil are one of Mother Nature’s most versatile gifts. Five natural Castor Oil remedies are described below:
Natural Castor Oil for Everyday Health & Beauty:
Lymphatic Circulation: Applied as a Castor Oil pack, this natural home remedy is placed over the abdomen for one to two hours daily to stimulate liver function and enhance the body’s lymphatic circulation. The pack is made of wool or cotton and a heating pad is then applied to enhance the penetration of the oil. As lymph circulation improves, the body is able to more efficiently eliminate and remove toxins. Find out more information on how to use our natural Castor Oil pack treatment [3].
Dry Skin: Castor Oil penetrates deeply to repair and rejuvenate skin leaving it soft and supple. Apply topically to relieve itching, flaking and cracked skin. Rich in anti-oxidants, our cold-pressed, cold processed Castor Oil is excellent for soothing and protecting even the driest skin.
Chapped Lips: Chapped lips can be a problem for many people year-round. As the colder months approach, it is important to properly protect your skin, especially your lips. Our Palma Christi lip balm is another natural castor oil remedy that works to soften and soothe dry, chapped and even sunburned lips. Made with all natural ingredients: Castor Oil, Shea Butter, Olive Oil and vitamin E, Palma Christi lip balm [4] quenches and nourishes for healthier lips
Arthritis: Known for its lubricating and anti-inflammatory properties, Castor Oil can be massaged into muscles and joints to relieve swelling and stiffness. You can massage Castor Oil directly into the affected areas or apply a Castor Oil pack with heating pad to add warmth and enhance circulation. This effective, natural castor oil remedy provides long lasting relief.
“CastorCream™ [6] has been one of the most miraculous products I have ever come across. Doctors will tell you that you have to surgically remove moles and that the risk of complications is high, due to the possibility of getting cancerous cells into the bloodstream. Well, I have found that CastorCream™ can do what doctors say can’t be done which is to remove moles and certain other unwanted skin growths. Not only does it work but it works quite quickly…”
© Baar Products, Inc., 2013