About Us
Baar Products, Inc. is an enterprise of medically oriented individuals dedicated to providing you, your family and health care professionals with innovative health and wellness solutions.
Bruce Baar is the Owner and CEO of Baar Products, Inc. Dr. Baar has a Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics, a Masters in Health, and a Doctorate in Naturopathy. He worked for many years in the medical diagnostic industry before beginning his own company, specializing in natural health care and beauty products. His wife Kathy Baar is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Dental Hygiene School, R.D.H. with B.S. in Public Health. She has also taken courses in Therapeutic Touch, Reflexology and continuing education seminars in health. Together, their care and compassion create a constant influence on the services and products offered to customers and clients.
The purity and freshness of our products is our highest priority. The high quality ingredients combined with our great prices has positioned us as a value leader in the industry. Our Hair Care, Skin Care and Beauty Products are created with unique, safe and effective ingredients.
ADA Statement: As Baar Products, Inc. is continually updating its web site, in the spirit of ADA compliance we offer accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, staffed telephone information and ordering line to enjoy its goods or services, until our update is complete.
Our Mind/Body products are in a classification all their own. The Radiac and the Baar Wet Cell Battery are creating history. These products are sold throughout the world and their performance is documented in books like Hope Springs Eternal by David Atkinson.
Our Castor Oil Pack therapy kits are renowned and described in Edgar Cayce Health Care as well as in books such as What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You About Premenopause by Dr. John Lee MD; The Oil That Heals by Dr. William McGarey MD; The Physician Within You by Dr. Gladys Taylor McGarey MD, and The Wisdom of Menopause by Dr. Christiane Northrup MD... to mention a few.
Within the design of Baar Products, Inc. a line of natural vitamin supplements, called Nature's Blessing™, has been created. In addition, a recent acquisition of Iodex®, a well-loved antiseptic salve which has been available for over 100 years, has been added to the company.
Baar Products is also the Official, WorldWide Supplier of Edgar Cayce Health Care. As a young child, Bruce looked to the Edgar Cayce Readings for help with asthma. He formulated the Inspirol® Herbal Breathing aromatherapy product and to this day, when the formula is made, its aroma reminds him of those younger years. Having personally developed and used these products for many years, he is inspired by the results and testimonials sent by our customers and is committed to helping others discover these natural healing systems. Both Bruce and Kathy are A.R.E. life members. Bruce has lectured at numerous health and wellness conferences in the USA and internationally and has had the privilege of knowing and working with Hugh Lynn Cayce, Edgar Evans Cayce, Charles Thomas Cayce, Gladys Davis and Dr. Gladys McGarey.
Baar.com is a unique online resource for Healthy, Beauty and Wellness. Since 1986, Baar Products, Inc. has empowered the individual in their health care choices and provided support for the health care profession with alternative therapy options.

We have over 200 acres of pristine land in Pennsylvania and Tennessee. These properties include highly regarded woods grown herbs and wild plants. These investments allow us to preserve and provide you with the worlds best natural products.

Baar Products does not do any testing on animals.
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Baar Exclusive Line of Quality Health & Beauty Products

Do you want soft, supple, protected & beautifully radiant skin?
The bottles we use are recyclable and BPA Free.